Licensed to Brookfield East High School Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 2/21/2006 2006 WIAA Division 1 State Meet UW Natatorium Team Rankings - Through Event 12 Boys - Team Scores Place School Points =================================================================== 1 Madison Memorial MAME 272 2 Arrowhead ARRO 245 3 Homestead HOME 202 4 Menomonee Falls/Hamilton MFHA 165 5 Madison West MAWE 163 6 Middleton MIDD 153 7 Marquette Univ. H.S. MARQ 96 8 Wausau East WAEA 91 9 Nicolet NICO 76 10 New Berlin West/Eisen. NBWE 63 11 Kenosha Bradford KENB 60 11 Milw. King/Juneau/Wash. MKJW 60 13 Sauk Prairie/Wis. Heights SPWH 55.5 14 Kenosha Tremper KENT 53 15 Eau Claire Memorial ECME 52 16 Brookfield East/Central BREC 50 17 Manitowoc Lincoln MANT 45 17 Milwaukee Riverside Univ. MRIV 45 19 Verona Area VERO 40 20 Waukesha So./Cath. Mem. WSCM 39 21 Badger/Big Foot BABF 37 22 Stevens Point STPT 35.5 23 Racine Horlick RHOR 29 24 West Bend East WBEA 28 25 Neenah NEEN 24 26 Hudson HUDS 23.5 27 Racine Case RCAS 22 28 Superior SUPE 20 29 Waukesha West/Mukw. WWMU 12 30 Appleton North/East APNE 11 30 South Milwaukee SOMI 11 32 Muskego MUSK 9 33 Oshkosh North/Lourdes ONOL 6 33 Racine Park RPAR 6 35 Germantown GERM 5 35 Oshkosh West OWES 5 37 Janesville Parker JAPA 4 37 Sheboygan South SHSO 4 39 Eau Claire North ECNO 3.5 40 Sheboygan North SHNO 2 41 Madison East MAEA 1 41 Madison La Follette/Sun Pr. MLSP 1This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential information of Northwestern Mutual. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this e-mail and any attachments is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify Northwestern Mutual immediately by returning it to the sender and delete all copies from your system. Please be advised that communications received via the Northwestern Mutual Secure Message Center are secure. Communications that are not received via the Northwestern Mutual Secure Message Center may not be secure and could be observed by a third party. Thank you for your cooperation.