Annual Meeting | Calendars | Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association

Annual Meeting

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    2025 Annual Meeting

    Friday, April 25, 2025 - 9 a.m.
    Sentry Theater, Stevens Point, Wis.

    1800 North Point Drive, Stevens Point, Wis.

    *All parking will be right at the theater this year*

    Annual Meeting Agenda 
    Board of Control President Paul Pedersen Presiding

    • Opening Remarks by Cory Hinkel
    • Minutes from 2024 Annual Meeting -- Approved by the Board in May 2024
    • Elections Report by WIAA Staff
    • Treasurer's Report by Jill Stobber
    • Spirit of Sport
    • Open Forum
    • 2025 Possible Amendments
    • Award of Excellence Recognition
    • Director's Report       
    • Announcements
    • Adjournment

    2025 Annual Meeting Program

    Informational Resources:

    About the Rules & Regulations

    For changes to the membership's Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Eligibility, a vote of the entire membership is required at the Annual Meeting each spring. Changes to the sport seasons regulations are advanced through the democratic committee structure. The Constitution contains information relating to the Association as an organization. The Bylaws encompass information relating to member high schools' responsibility concerning WIAA rules and regulations. The Rules of Eligibility embody information relating to the relationship of the student-athlete to the high school and the WIAA.
    The Board of Control has the ultimate authority in determining the outcome of sport seasons rule recommendations and regulations. Among the advisory groups that provide input to the Board are the coaches advisory committees for each sport; the sports advisory committee, comprised of school athletic directors from each of the seven districts; the advisory council, consisting of school administrators from each elector district; and the executive staff. Other groups with advisory responsibilities include the medical advisory committee, sportsmanship committee and the officials advisory committee. The Season Regulations address, among other topics, definition of the sports seasons, participation, contest control and tournament procedures. View Organizational Structure
    The National Federation of State High School Associations are the authority of the competition rules for sport contests (i.e. uniforms, length of contest, game rules). As a member of the NFHS, the WIAA adheres to those rules as a member in good standing. The WIAA, as well as all state associations in the NFHS, has input with an advisory role in the review and promulgation of the playing rules. The NFHS office is located in Indianapolis, Ind. Click here for the NFHS Rules Making Process.
    Currently, the Association sponsors a State Tournament for 26 sports with tournament series for baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, swimming & diving, tennis, track & field, volleyball, and wrestling for boys, and basketball, cross country, golf, gymnastics, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming & diving, tennis, track & field, volleyball, and wrestling for girls.

    Procedural Rules

    Business Procedure
    Robert's Rules of Order shall govern if not inconsistent with the WIAA Constitution.

    The WIAA Constitution empowers the Board of Control to designate a time and place for an Annual Meeting for the purpose of conducting the business of this Association.  Written notice of the Annual Meeting shall be provided member high schools at least 30 days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting.  Each member high school (Grades 9-12) shall be entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting, and this vote must be cast by the district administrator, chief executive officer, principal or other person designated by the local Board of Education or recognized governing body.  The Constitution states the President of the Board of Control will chair the meeting.

    Amendment Changes
    For convenience of readers, potential new words are highlighted (shaded areas) and potential removed words stricken (line through).

    All motions shall be in the affirmative. If the motion is seconded, the membership may debate or move directly to a vote.

    Recognition by the Chair
    A delegate may speak by going to a microphone, being recognized by the chair, give his or her full name and the name of the member school represented.

    Debate on the Floor
    The chair has the authority to establish time limits on individual presentations so that all representative positions can be stated.

    The Constitution of the WIAA provides that "a proposed amendment to the Constitution, Bylaws or Rules of Eligibility of this Association may originate (1) at the Annual Meeting of this Association, (2) in the Board of Control, (3) in the Advisory Council or (4) by petition in writing by the district administrator or high school principal of at least 10 % of the member high schools."

    The Constitution instructs Executive Director Stephanie Hauser to "distribute to member high schools of this Association an informational bulletin detailing the wording of proposed amendments and a brief description of their meaning, intent and the effect of passage."

    All member schools received such an informational bulletin earlier. The same material was printed in the BULLETIN and placed on the WIAA website at  It also is part of the Annual Meeting handouts.

    The Constitution further specifies that "member school representatives at the ensuing Annual Meeting (or a special emergency meeting) of this Association shall vote on the proposed amendment(s).  If the majority of schools vote in favor of the proposed amendment(s), it shall become effective no later than the next following issue of the BULLETIN, the official publication of this Association."

    If a proposed amendment develops at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote of schools represented, action to add it to the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules of Eligibility cannot be taken until the next Annual Meeting or, if the membership decrees, at a special emergency Annual Meeting.  This procedure protects the rights of non-represented schools which would not have had prior knowledge of such a proposal.

    All votes will be cast by paper ballot.  Voting delegates have been appointed to assist the WIAA staff, and to verify the vote count.