Performance Enhancing Substances & Supplements | Health | Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association

Performance Enhancing Substances & Supplements


WIAA Performance Enhancing Substances

Dietary supplements are poorly regulated. Supplement products can contain banned ingredients without being on labels; or become contaminated with banned ingredients during manu- facturing. Very few supplements have been tested for safe use by youth. Schools and coaches may not provide or allow discouraged items in con- nection to school’s program. Possession and/or use may violate school district policy or code. (Products may have unwanted side ef- fects, be ineffective, not tested for long term safety, not recommended for youth, unethical to use.) 

The WIAA is against the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and other performance enhancing substances (PES). Member schools shall devote time each year to positive programs which highlight prevention and education of the risks, benefits and adverse effects of PES. Coaches, teachers, sports medicine staff and school administrators who ignore or encourage the use of PES, provide and/or sell PES to athletes (including indirect distribution through a third party) shall be subject to their own school's provisions regarding discipline.

BANNED - Do Not Use – Drugs that are illegal or could be harmful if taken in excess amount.  Possession and/or use violates WIAA Code.
DISCOURAGED--The WIAA identifies discouraged substances. Supplement products can contain banned ingredients without being on labels; or become contaminated with banned ingredients during manufacturing. Very few supplements have been tested for safe use by youth. Schools and coaches may not provide or allow discouraged items in connection to school’s program. Possession and/or use may violate school district policy or code. (Products may have unwanted side effects, be ineffective, not tested for long term safety, not recommended for youth, unethical to use.)

These discouraged substances can be legally purchased, but are prohibited in connection with school programs. They include: Creatine,Caffeine-enhanced products, Energy drinks, Herbal Caffeine, No Doz, Protein Powders and other substances as identified in the materials.  Banned List of Performance-Enhancing Substances

Preventing Athletes From Taking Supplements

Coaches, parents, administrators and licensed athletic trainers should send a strong message that discourages the use of supplements for performance enhancement. This can be done through a positive example of healthy behaviors regarding exercise and diet. In addition there are messages you can send to your athletes to counteract the advertising ploys regarding supplements. These include:
If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

There's no short-cut to excellent performance; it takes hard work.

Let the buyer beware: If someone can profit from your decisions, check it out thoroughly before you choose

If you win naturally, you'll know it was you who won.

No drug is harmless and free of consequences.

Even natural substances in unnatural amounts may have short-term or long-term negative health risks.

We advocate against the use of creatine and androstenedione because we believe they are too risky to be used by young athletes.

I'm your coach (or athletic trainer, or athletic director) and I don't think the use of these substances is a good choice for you, or for the team.

The WIAA has provided the following informational avenues to our members:
Articles in the WIAA Bulletin
Pamphlets cards are sent to each member school?s Athletic Director.
Wallet cards are sent to each member school?s Athletic Director.
The DVD 'Make the Right Choice' which contains two videos that address the supplements issue, were sent to schools. Additional copies are provided upon request.
Resource links on the WIAA web site.
Public Service Announcements
Discussion at the WIAA Annual Meeting, Sport Rule Meetings, and Area Meetings