EDITORIAL: WIAA to Continue Membership Initiatives in 2024-25

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EDITORIAL: WIAA to Continue Membership Initiatives in 2024-25

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

EDITORIAL: WIAA to Continue Membership Initiatives in 2024-25

From August 2024 Bulletin

Reflecting on nearly 129 years of the association’s existence, each year may claim its role in shaping the philosophy and process of the organization in a manner that was deemed revolutionary at the time.

History may look back at this point in time as one of the most influential in the association’s history.

Over the years, and even today, there are some critical of the deliberate pace of how rules and rule changes are implemented and interpreted. However, hot-button issues are seemingly being addressed at warp speed compared to the previous 12-plus decades since the association formed in 1896.

Proponents of implementing a shot clock in basketball may beg to differ, but as it has always been with this membership-directed association, the members themselves will determine when and if changes to the constitution or the season regulations are appropriate.

For instance, the membership voted 384-3 to transform the entire conference realignment process. What was the responsibility of one executive staff member became the role of an appointed committee of school peers to review all realignment concerns and requests. A published realignment timeline and a transparent communication protocol have also enhanced the process. By membership accounts, the procedure is a significant improvement.

Since the advent of school open enrollment in 1998, the membership option for private schools in 2000 and the statewide expansion of school vouchers in 2013, there has been concern among segments of the membership that competitive advantages may exist. In 2014, an ad hoc committee made a first attempt at studying the issue, which resulted in the membership rejecting sevral plans.

In 2021, another ad hoc committee studying competitive balance advanced a performance factor plan and process that was voted on and approved by the membership by a 265-115 margin at the 2023 Annual Meeting. This year marks for first time the performance factor will be applied to determine divisional placements. There are 136 programs across all sports except swimming & diving and track & field that accumulated at least six points to engage a promotion up a division if their enrollment doesn’t move them already, and 45 of those competed in Division 1 in 2023-24.

This year will also be the first year in the history of the membership thatstudent-athletes will have an advisory voice in the governance of the association through the Student-Athlete Leadership Team that was assembled in July and met virtually for the first time as a group in August. Team members in each district will meet concurrently at the Area Meeting sites this fall.

After approval from the Board of Control last December, the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee has met twice monthly since April to address membership concerns regarding coaching contact, season lengths and game maximums with the primary goal to promote a balanced, education-based athletic experience for student-athletes. As a result, the committee may propose viable solutions that may be implemented after robust membership discussion with Board action or by a membership vote at the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Another landmark first for the WIAA this year will be the crowning of a girls wrestling team champion. Girls wrestling has continued its growth by tripling participation since first implemented as a sponsored sport in 2022. The sport will conduct a separate girls team tournament in 2027.

The executive staff will continue its outreach efforts to the membership by attempting to attend one meeting of every conference in the state again this year. Most conferences have taken advantage of the opportunity to ask questions on topics that impact their league and members, as well as providing the staff with the awareness of conference topics.

From the discussions and feedback received, we are in exciting times as a membership. Long-talked-about issues and concerns are being transformed into action with resolution as the focus with membership interaction and engagement.

The Area Meetings provide another opportunity to discuss and gauge the pulse of the membership and its perception on how best to administer interscholastic sports in Wisconsin. Please plan to take an active role in the membership by attending and participating at your district’s meeting. We look  forward to seeing you in September.


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