Sportsmanship PLUS - Girls Soccer

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Sportsmanship PLUS - Girls Soccer

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sportsmanship PLUS - Girls Soccer

Lakeland Tournament
May 8, 2021

I want to compliment all the coaches, players and fans of the Lakeland Union, Hayward, Medford and Marquette (MI) Girls Soccer teams for the exceptional attitude and behavior at the Lakeland Invitational Soccer Tournament. It was a perfect day for soccer and the entire officiating crew commented on the positive atmosphere of every game throughout the day. Over the course of four games, all that was heard was cheering for players, positive coaching instruction with good, clean soccer being played on the field. On behalf of the entire officiating crew, thank you for enabling an enjoyable experience. I also want to thank the concession organizers who offered water and sustenance at every break in the games. It is very much appreciated. The excellent sportsmanship and care demonstrated throughout the day goes a longs ways to encouraging future participation by the officiating crew in these all day events!

Reporting Official:  Robert Hom


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