Student Assembly During the School Year

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Student Assembly During the School Year

The school year starts with a change in the rule pertaining to the assembly of students during the school year.  During the summertime, athletes have been allowed to assemble in any manner the chose as long as the assembly was voluntary. Coaches are restricted in contact with athletes outside the season with two possible exceptions during the summer: five unrestricted contact days and unlimited nonschool contact for various sports.  During the school year (from the first day of school to the last day of school), coaches may only have coaching contact with their athletes during the sport season.

WIAA member schools passed an amendment to the nonschool participation during the school year that reads:  "Subsequently, students may voluntarily assemble at any time without school and/or school coach involvement."   Students may now assemble out of season in any manner they choose during the school year and during the summer time.   However, their high school coaches and high schools many not be involved.  The assembly must be open to any and all along with being voluntary.

The fundamental rule with coaching contact has not changed.  Coaches may not have coaching contact with any athletes they will be coaching the following school season during restricted times (except their own children).  Coaches include head coaches, assistant coaches, volunteer coaches, and coaches who may be coaching the next year.  Coach involvement does include organizing, determining nonschool rosters, providing instruction, coaching at the contest, etc. 

Coaches are not allowed to organize nonschool activity during the school year.  Organize includes (but is not limited to):

    • Holding player meetings outside the established season to discuss nonschool teams.
    • Making contact with nonschool leagues to enter a team into the league during the school year.
    • Paying entry fees for nonschool leagues and/or tournaments during the school year.
    • Transporting to nonschool leagues or tournaments during the school year. Coaching at non-school leagues or tournaments during the school year.
    • Helping determine rosters for nonschool teams in nonschool leagues or tournaments.
    • Directing others (ie:  parents, players, community members, non-school coaches) to determine rosters, assignments, or make up of teams.
    • No school monies and resources can be applied, schools cannot sponsor the events/activities.  
    • Use of school support and facilities must be done in the same manner as any other nonschool group such as 4-H, boy scouts, or local rotary. Coaches may not reserve facilites for the nonschool group.

In short, coaches should be hands off during the summer and school year unless contact is during the school sport season, within the five unrestricted contact days during the summer before July 31, or is classified as unlimited nonschool contact during the summertime.

For more information, click on and click on Non-school Participation During the School Year


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