Officials need to enter only their entire varsity schedule on the WIAA website. In order for coaches to rank you efficiently, your varsity games should be in our system prior to the contest date. L4, L5 and Master level officials must have their entire varsity schedule in our system by the end of each sport season in order to receive classification advancement credit for the next school year.
Officials that are tournament eligible will complete tournament availabilities through the WIAA website.
Head coaches will go to the WIAA website to perform rankings of officials. Coaches are able to rank officials 12 hours after the contest. Coaches are allowed to rank an official 1-6 using the following scale.
- Would not hire this official again.
- Needs improvement.
- Would hire for a regular season contest.
- Would hire for a regional contest.
- Would hire for a sectional contest.
- Clearly among the best, would hire for a state contest.
Ranking data used for the current year is from the previous season.
If coaches are to be able to rank officials properly, it is important that they know who you are. Therefore, when signing the scorebooks officials need to write clearly. Also, officials should be printing the ranking cards from their profile information and handing them to the head coaches at the end of each game.
If you have questions as to how you enter your schedule on the WIAA website, please click on the link below to access the User Guide.
Click here to access the User Guide for Officials.