Soccer Box Score |
Plymouth (20-1-2) vs. New Berlin Eisen. (11-3-4) Date: 6/15/2023 Attendance: Weather:
New Berlin Eisen.
Officials: Referee: Barry Puhl; Asst. Referee: David Irwin; Tony Voulgaris;
Play-by-Play Summary |
[00:00] Paige Kurtz at goalie for Plymouth. |
[00:00] Lilly Monroe at goalie for New Berlin Eisen.. |
[00:48] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[02:27] GOAL by NBE Sarah Stadler (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Molly McCormick, goal number 16 for season. |
New Berlin Eisen. 1, Plymouth 0 |
*One-touch stop and shoot in front |
[03:58] Shot by NBE Mary Kowitz WIDE RIGHT. |
[04:44] Foul on Plymouth. |
[05:15] Shot by NBE Tamara Micanovic WIDE LEFT. |
[05:57] Shot by NBE Claire Markofski, SAVE Paige Kurtz. |
[07:13] GOAL by PL Melina Knowles, Assist by Kalli Knowles, goal number 15 for season. |
Plymouth 1, New Berlin Eisen. 1 |
*One-timed centering pass in front |
[09:41] Shot by PL Sarah Welsch WIDE RIGHT. |
[09:51] NBE substitution: Cassidy Lake for Molly McCormick. |
[09:51] NBE substitution: Ainsley McGrath for Tamara Micanovic. |
[10:39] Foul on Plymouth. |
[12:46] Foul on Plymouth. |
[13:55] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[14:24] Shot by PL Alexis Balde HIGH. |
Corner kick by NBE Emma Johns [16:13]. |
[17:40] PL substitution: Hannah Downs for Molly Munson. |
Corner kick by NBE Emma Johns [21:56]. |
[22:09] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[22:09] PL substitution: Cassie Pilling for Hannah Downs. |
[22:39] NBE substitution: Tamara Micanovic for Cassidy Lake. |
[23:32] NBE substitution: Claire Markofski for Ainsley McGrath. |
[29:18] Foul on Plymouth. |
[30:08] PL substitution: Molly Munson for Cassie Pilling. |
[30:08] PL substitution: Emma Adema for Alexis Balde. |
Corner kick by NBE Claire Markofski [31:41]. |
[32:10] PL substitution: Hannah Downs for Sarah Welsch. |
[33:05] NBE substitution: Ainsley McGrath for Molly McCormick. |
[33:05] NBE substitution: Cassidy Lake for Tamara Micanovic. |
[36:05] Foul on Plymouth. |
[36:41] Header Shot by NBE Claire Markofski, SAVE Paige Kurtz. |
[37:19] Shot by PL Cora Nothem HIGH. |
End of period [40:00]. |
Start of 2nd period [40:00]. |
[42:23] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[42:53] Shot by PL Melina Knowles, SAVE Lilly Monroe. |
[45:35] Shot by PL Sarah Welsch HIGH. |
[46:15] Foul on Plymouth. |
[48:16] Foul on Plymouth. |
Corner kick by PL Sarah Welsch [49:33]. |
[49:51] GOAL by PL Cora Nothem, goal number 8 for season. |
Plymouth 2, New Berlin Eisen. 1 |
*Blasted off cleared cross |
[49:54] PL substitution: Hannah Downs for Molly Munson. |
[50:11] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[51:40] NBE substitution: Cassidy Lake for Tamara Micanovic. |
[52:03] NBE substitution: Ainsley McGrath for Molly McCormick. |
[53:25] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[54:30] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
Corner kick by NBE Emma Johns [56:25]. |
[56:35] Shot by NBE Claire Markofski HIGH. |
[60:04] PL substitution: Emma Adema for Melina Knowles. |
[60:04] PL substitution: Molly Munson for Hannah Downs. |
[63:03] NBE substitution: Molly McCormick for Ainsley McGrath. |
[64:18] PL substitution: Melina Knowles for Sarah Welsch. |
[64:46] GOAL by PL Melina Knowles, Assist by Molly Munson, goal number 16 for season. |
Plymouth 3, New Berlin Eisen. 1 |
*Finished off centering pass from 6 yards |
[65:57] PL substitution: Allie Kultgen for Kalli Knowles. |
[65:57] NBE substitution: Tamara Micanovic for Cassidy Lake. |
[69:42] Shot by NBE Tamara Micanovic, SAVE Paige Kurtz. |
[70:42] PL substitution: Sarah Welsch for Emma Adema. |
[70:42] PL substitution: Kalli Knowles for Allie Kultgen. |
[72:56] Shot by PL Hailey Batzner, SAVE Lilly Monroe. |
[73:27] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[74:04] Shot by PL Sarah Welsch, SAVE Lilly Monroe. |
[74:34] PL substitution: Emma Adema for Alexis Balde. |
[74:34] PL substitution: Hannah Downs for Hailey Batzner. |
[74:42] Shot by NBE Mary Kowitz HIGH. |
[76:35] Foul on New Berlin Eisen.. |
[76:47] Offside against Plymouth. |
[77:01] Foul on Plymouth. |
[77:31] PL substitution: Hailey Batzner for Hannah Downs. |
Corner kick by PL Hailey Batzner [78:06]. |
[79:35] Shot by NBE Mary Kowitz BLOCKED. |
Corner kick by NBE Mary Kowitz [79:48]. |
End of period [80:00]. |