Soccer Box Score |
Lodi (14-8-1) vs. Cedar Grove-Belgium (20-2-2) Date: 6/16/2023 Attendance: Weather:
Cedar Grove-Belgium
Officials: Referee: Touly Moua; Asst. Referee: Pat Murphy; True Lor;
Play-by-Play Summary |
[00:00] Quetzal Peterson at goalie for Lodi. |
[00:00] Payton Dodson at goalie for Cedar Grove-Belgium. |
[00:22] Foul on Lodi Anna Balfanz. |
[04:12] GOAL by CGB Cora Erickson (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Kami Horn, goal number 62 for season. |
Cedar Grove-Belgium 1, Lodi 0 |
*Took pass to goal beat GK at post |
[08:33] Foul on Lodi Ava Ballweg. |
[09:16] Foul on Cedar Grove-Belgium Aubrey Marti. |
[10:35] LO substitution: Gracie Clary for Rachel Winters. |
[10:35] CGB substitution: Hailey Prom for Kami Horn. |
[10:35] CGB substitution: Gracie Schmidt for Alexis Bahr. |
[11:36] Shot by LO Gracie Clary, SAVE Payton Dodson. |
[12:08] LO substitution: MitzariAlvarezOrtega for Anna Balfanz. |
[12:08] LO substitution: Megan Smith for Anna Stratton. |
[15:00] Foul on Cedar Grove-Belgium Gracie Schmidt. |
[16:15] LO substitution: Rachel Winters for Caroline Karls. |
[16:15] LO substitution: Alexis Wilcox for Lea Traeder. |
[18:19] Shot by CGB Grace Konzak, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[19:05] LO substitution: Anna Balfanz for MitzariAlvarezOrtega. |
[19:05] LO substitution: Anna Stratton for Megan Smith. |
[21:24] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[21:36] CGB substitution: Alexis Bahr for Cora Erickson. |
[21:36] CGB substitution: Tara Schmitz for Aubrey Marti. |
[21:36] CGB substitution: Kami Horn for Grace Konzak. |
Corner kick by CGB Hailey Prom [22:00]. |
[22:10] Shot by CGB Olivia Bahr HIGH. |
[24:05] Foul on Lodi Adysen Young. |
[27:38] LO substitution: Lea Traeder for Alexis Wilcox. |
[28:41] Shot by LO Lea Traeder, SAVE Payton Dodson. |
[30:12] Foul on Lodi Adysen Young. |
[30:47] Shot by CGB Gracie Schmidt BLOCKED. |
[30:56] Shot by CGB Kahleah Knight, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[31:26] Foul on Lodi Abby Haas. |
[32:02] Foul on Cedar Grove-Belgium Sophie Beightol. |
[32:40] Shot by LO Gracie Clary BLOCKED. |
[32:50] LO substitution: Megan Smith for Adysen Young. |
[32:50] LO substitution: Caroline Karls for Rachel Winters. |
[32:50] CGB substitution: Aubrey Marti for Kahleah Knight. |
[32:50] CGB substitution: Grace Konzak for Hailey Prom. |
[32:50] CGB substitution: Cora Erickson for Gracie Schmidt. |
[33:48] GOAL by CGB Cora Erickson, goal number 63 for season. |
Cedar Grove-Belgium 2, Lodi 0 |
*1v1 to goal thru defense from MF |
[33:49] LO substitution: Adysen Young for Anna Balfanz. |
[35:33] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr BLOCKED. |
[35:36] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[36:01] Foul on Cedar Grove-Belgium Aubrey Marti. |
[36:58] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
Corner kick by CGB Grace Konzak [39:15]. |
[39:21] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson BLOCKED. |
[39:30] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr WIDE LEFT. |
End of period [40:00]. |
Start of 2nd period [40:00]. |
Corner kick by CGB Grace Konzak [41:12]. |
[42:04] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[42:50] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr HIGH. |
[45:57] Foul on Cedar Grove-Belgium Alexis Bahr. |
[47:23] Foul on Lodi Anna Balfanz. |
[47:54] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr WIDE LEFT. |
[48:20] LO substitution: Tessa Pertzborn for Anna Stratton. |
[48:20] LO substitution: MitzariAlvarezOrtega for Anna Balfanz. |
[50:32] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[50:58] GOAL by CGB Cora Erickson, goal number 64 for season. |
Cedar Grove-Belgium 3, Lodi 0 |
*Straight to goal off deflection |
[51:10] LO substitution: Anna Balfanz for Gracie Clary. |
[51:10] CGB substitution: Hailey Prom for Kami Horn. |
[51:10] CGB substitution: Gracie Schmidt for Alexis Bahr. |
[51:57] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson BLOCKED. |
[52:08] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr HIGH. |
[52:18] LO substitution: Alexis Wilcox for Tessa Pertzborn. |
[53:35] Shot by CGB Gracie Schmidt HIGH. |
[53:39] LO substitution: Gracie Clary for Abby Haas. |
[55:07] Shot by CGB Grace Konzak HIGH. |
[55:14] CGB substitution: Grace Gauger for Madisyn Johnson. |
[55:14] CGB substitution: Tara Schmitz for Aubrey Marti. |
[56:04] Shot by CGB Gracie Schmidt, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
[57:43] Shot by CGB Gracie Schmidt, SAVE Quetzal Peterson. |
Corner kick by CGB Grace Konzak [58:22]. |
[60:17] LO substitution: Megan Smith for Lea Traeder. |
[60:17] CGB substitution: Alexis Bahr for Cora Erickson. |
[60:17] CGB substitution: Kami Horn for Grace Konzak. |
[60:17] CGB substitution: Aubrey Marti for Kahleah Knight. |
[62:19] LO substitution: Addison Crane for MitzariAlvarezOrtega. |
[62:19] LO substitution: Anna Stratton for Alexis Wilcox. |
[62:19] LO substitution: Abby Haas for Anna Balfanz. |
[62:59] Offside against Lodi. |
[64:21] Foul on Lodi Abby Haas. |
[65:34] Shot by LO Rachel Winters, SAVE Payton Dodson. |
[66:55] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr HIT POST. |
[67:20] LO substitution: Anna Balfanz for Abby Haas. |
[67:20] LO substitution: Ella Johnson for Caroline Karls. |
[67:20] LO substitution: Ava Ballweg for Alexis Wilcox. |
[67:20] CGB substitution: Kahleah Knight for Tara Schmitz. |
[67:46] CGB substitution: Hannah Peterson for Gracie Schmidt. |
[67:46] CGB substitution: Madisyn Johnson for Sophie Beightol. |
[67:46] LO substitution: Lea Traeder for Addison Crane. |
Corner kick by LO Gracie Clary [68:49]. |
[68:51] Shot by LO Anna Balfanz, SAVE TEAM. |
[68:58] Shot by LO Lea Traeder BLOCKED. |
[69:03] Shot by LO Adysen Young WIDE. |
[69:41] Shot by LO Gianna Burke BLOCKED. |
[69:58] GOAL by LO Anna Stratton, Assist by Gianna Burke, goal number 3 for season. |
Cedar Grove-Belgium 3, Lodi 1 |
*Slotted in pass in front |
[70:27] Foul on Lodi Kaelyn Tatro. |
[71:43] Foul on Lodi Kaelyn Tatro. |
[73:16] Shot by CGB Alexis Bahr HIGH. |
[73:21] CGB substitution: Gracie Schmidt for Hailey Prom. |
[74:04] Shot by CGB Cora Erickson WIDE. |
[74:16] LO substitution: Caroline Karls for Megan Smith. |
[75:06] Shot by LO Anna Balfanz, SAVE Payton Dodson. |
[76:17] Foul on Cedar Grove-Belgium Gracie Schmidt. |
[78:05] LO substitution: Abby Haas for Gracie Clary. |
[78:05] LO substitution: Sam Leatherberry for Ella Johnson. |
End of period [80:00]. |