Xavier vs Sauk Prairie (11/5/2022)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
The Automated ScoreBook
Xavier vs Sauk Prairie
(11/5/2022 at Green Bay, Wis.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
2   Mariah Potter   .000  42  14 
7   Madison Daley   14  38  .158 
10  Halle Vande Hey   15  30  .300 
11  Mattea Kiepert   15  .133 
14  Annika Kowalski   10  39  .154 
15  Olivia Neumann   11  .182 
1   Jena Bunks   .000 
3   Haley Flick   .000 
9   Belle Shea   .000  24 
  Totals  48  23  136  .184  46  62  12 
Set  TA  Pct 
16  40  .275 
12  31  .258 
31  .032 
12  34  .147 
Xavier   (3)  25  25  15  25     39-7  
Sauk Prairie   (1)  21  23  25  16     47-4  

   Sauk Prairie      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
2   Alexis Klemm   13  .154  23  15 
3   Jenna Pistono   21  .143  15 
8   Kaya Wilson   .333 
9   Anni Braund   21  52  .269 
15  Jozie Braund   11  26  .269  14 
17  Maggie Hartwig   15  -.200 
4   Ellery Apel   .000  12 
  Totals  44  19  133  .188  41  11  58  12 
Set  TA  Pct 
13  41  .195 
14  34  .294 
11  26  .308 
32  -.031 
    Site: Green Bay, Wis. (Resch Center)
Date: 11/5/2022 Attend: Time:
Referees: Jessica Stewart, Christine Shimek


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
The Automated ScoreBook
Xavier vs Sauk Prairie
(11/5/2022 at Green Bay, Wis.)

1st Set

For XAV: Mariah Potter; Halle Vande Hey; Mattea Kiepert; Madison Daley; Annika Kowalski; Olivia Neumann; libero Belle Shea.
For SP: Jenna Pistono; Jozie Braund; Maggie Hartwig; Alexis Klemm; Anni Braund; Kaya Wilson; libero Ellery Apel.
0-1Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
1-1Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Maggie Hartwig (from Jenna Pistono).so
1-2Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Service error.so
For XAV: Haley Flick; Halle Vande Hey.
2-2Point SP - (Haley Flick) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
2-3Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Haley Flick).so
2-4Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
4-3Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Attack error by Madison Daley.so
5-3Point SP - (Alexis Klemm) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
5-4Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Attack error by Jozie Braund.so
6-4Point SP - (Madison Daley) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
6-5Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Service error.so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
7-5Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
7-6Point XAV - (Ellery Apel) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
8-6Point SP - (Belle Shea) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
8-7Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Attack error by Maggie Hartwig (block by Halle Vande Hey; Mattea Kiepert).so
9-7Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Mattea Kiepert (block by Maggie Hartwig; Alexis Klemm).so
9-8Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
10-8Point SP - (Haley Flick) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
10-9Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
11-9Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Attack error by Annika Kowalski (block by Alexis Klemm; Kaya Wilson).so
11-10Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Attack error by Anni Braund.so
12-10Point SP - (Madison Daley) Service error.so
13-10Point SP - (Anni Braund) Kill by Jenna Pistono (from Alexis Klemm).
14-10Point SP - (Anni Braund) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).
Timeout Xavier.
15-10Point SP - (Anni Braund) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
15-11Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Kill by Madison Daley (from Haley Flick).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
16-11Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
17-11Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Attack error by Halle Vande Hey.
18-11Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Attack error by Halle Vande Hey.
18-12Point XAV - (Ellery Apel) Kill by Olivia Neumann (from Mariah Potter).so
18-13Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Service ace (Ellery Apel).
18-14Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).
18-15Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Kill by Halle Vande Hey.
18-16Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Kill by Mattea Kiepert (from Mariah Potter).
19-16Point SP - (Belle Shea) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
19-17Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
19-18Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).
19-19Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Maggie Hartwig (block by Mattea Kiepert; Halle Vande Hey).
Timeout Sauk Prairie.
19-20Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Service ace (Ellery Apel).
19-21Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).
19-22Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Service ace (Jozie Braund).
20-22Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Service error.so
20-23Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
20-24Point XAV - (Haley Flick) Attack error by Maggie Hartwig.
Timeout Sauk Prairie.
21-24Point SP - (Haley Flick) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
21-25Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).so

2nd Set

For SP: Jenna Pistono; Jozie Braund; Maggie Hartwig; Alexis Klemm; Anni Braund; Kaya Wilson; libero Ellery Apel.
For XAV: Mariah Potter; Halle Vande Hey; Mattea Kiepert; Madison Daley; Annika Kowalski; Olivia Neumann; libero Belle Shea.
1-0Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Alexis Klemm.so
1-1Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Service error.so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
2-1Point SP - (Haley Flick) Service error.so
3-1Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Jenna Pistono (from Jozie Braund).
4-1Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
4-2Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).so
4-3Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).
5-3Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Kaya Wilson (from Alexis Klemm).so
5-4Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Service error.so
6-4Point SP - (Madison Daley) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
6-5Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Kill by Olivia Neumann (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
6-6Point XAV - (Annika Kowalski) Service ace (Ellery Apel).
7-6Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Attack error by Olivia Neumann (block by Kaya Wilson; Jenna Pistono).so
7-7Point XAV - (Ellery Apel) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
8-7Point SP - (Belle Shea) Service error.so
8-8Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
8-9Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Maggie Hartwig.
8-10Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Anni Braund.
9-10Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
9-11Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Service error.so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
10-11Point SP - (Haley Flick) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
10-12Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Mattea Kiepert (from Mariah Potter).so
11-12Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
12-12Point SP - (Alexis Klemm) Attack error by Madison Daley.
12-13Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).so
13-13Point SP - (Madison Daley) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jozie Braund).so
13-14Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
14-14Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Service error.so
15-14Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Attack error by Annika Kowalski.
16-14Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Service ace (Halle Vande Hey).
Timeout Xavier.
16-15Point XAV - (Ellery Apel) Service error.so
17-15Point SP - (Belle Shea) Kill by Jenna Pistono (from Alexis Klemm).so
17-16Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Service error.so
17-17Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Alexis Klemm.
18-17Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Bad set by Mattea Kiepert.so
19-17Point SP - (Jozie Braund) Attack error by Madison Daley (block by Maggie Hartwig; Alexis Klemm).
20-17Point SP - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
Timeout Xavier.
20-18Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Mattea Kiepert (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
21-18Point SP - (Haley Flick) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
21-19Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Mattea Kiepert (from Mariah Potter).so
21-20Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Bad set by Jenna Pistono.
22-20Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
22-21Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Bad set by Alexis Klemm.so
22-22Point XAV - (Madison Daley) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).
Timeout Sauk Prairie.
22-23Point XAV - (Madison Daley) Attack error by Jozie Braund.
22-24Point XAV - (Madison Daley) Kill by Annika Kowalski.
Timeout Sauk Prairie.
23-24Point SP - (Madison Daley) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
23-25Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Bad set by Jenna Pistono.so

3rd Set

For SP: Jenna Pistono; Jozie Braund; Maggie Hartwig; Alexis Klemm; Anni Braund; Kaya Wilson; libero Ellery Apel.
For XAV: Mariah Potter; Halle Vande Hey; Mattea Kiepert; Madison Daley; Annika Kowalski; Olivia Neumann; libero Belle Shea.
1-0Point SP - (Jenna Pistono) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Jenna Pistono).
1-1Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Attack error by Anni Braund.so
1-2Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).
2-2Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Halle Vande Hey.so
2-3Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Haley Flick; Halle Vande Hey.
3-3Point SP - (Haley Flick) Service error.so
4-3Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Attack error by Madison Daley.
4-4Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Service error.so
5-4Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
6-4Point SP - (Alexis Klemm) Service ace (Haley Flick).
7-4Point SP - (Alexis Klemm) Service ace (Haley Flick).
7-5Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
8-5Point SP - (Madison Daley) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
9-5Point SP - (Anni Braund) Service ace (Belle Shea).
10-5Point SP - (Anni Braund) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
Timeout Xavier.
11-5Point SP - (Anni Braund) Kill by Jenna Pistono (from Alexis Klemm).
12-5Point SP - (Anni Braund) Attack error by Annika Kowalski (block by Kaya Wilson; Jenna Pistono).
12-6Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Attack error by Jozie Braund (block by Olivia Neumann; Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
12-7Point XAV - (Annika Kowalski) Attack error by Jozie Braund.
13-7Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Service error.so
13-8Point XAV - (Ellery Apel) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
14-8Point SP - (Belle Shea) Kill by Maggie Hartwig.so
15-8Point SP - (Jenna Pistono) Attack error by Halle Vande Hey.
15-9Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).so
15-10Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).
16-10Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
16-11Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Haley Flick; Halle Vande Hey.
16-12Point XAV - (Haley Flick) Service ace (Anni Braund).
17-12Point SP - (Haley Flick) Bad set by Mariah Potter.so
18-12Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Attack error by Mattea Kiepert.
Timeout Xavier.
19-12Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Maggie Hartwig).
19-13Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Mattea Kiepert (from Mariah Potter).so
20-13Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Alexis Klemm (from Jenna Pistono).so
21-13Point SP - (Alexis Klemm) Bad set by Mariah Potter.
22-13Point SP - (Alexis Klemm) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
22-14Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Service error.so
23-14Point SP - (Madison Daley) Kill by Anni Braund (from Alexis Klemm).so
23-15Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Service error.so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
24-15Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Attack error by Madison Daley (block by Kaya Wilson).so
25-15Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Attack error by Halle Vande Hey (block by Maggie Hartwig; Jenna Pistono).

4th Set

==================== ==================== SAUK PRAIRIE 1, XAVIER 3 ====================
For SP: Jenna Pistono; Jozie Braund; Maggie Hartwig; Alexis Klemm; Anni Braund; Kaya Wilson; libero Ellery Apel.
For XAV: Mariah Potter; Halle Vande Hey; Mattea Kiepert; Madison Daley; Annika Kowalski; Olivia Neumann; libero Belle Shea.
0-1Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Mattea Kiepert (from Mariah Potter).
0-2Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).
0-3Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Attack error by Anni Braund.
1-3Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Service error.so
1-4Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Jena Bunks).so
1-5Point XAV - (Haley Flick) Attack error by Maggie Hartwig.
1-6Point XAV - (Haley Flick) Kill by Madison Daley (from Belle Shea).
For XAV: Haley Flick; Halle Vande Hey.
1-7Point XAV - (Haley Flick) Attack error by Anni Braund (block by Mattea Kiepert; Madison Daley).
1-8Point XAV - (Haley Flick) Service ace (Ellery Apel).
Timeout Sauk Prairie.
2-8Point SP - (Haley Flick) Kill by Anni Braund (from Jenna Pistono).so
2-9Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Attack error by Anni Braund (block by Mattea Kiepert; Madison Daley).so
2-10Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Service ace (Jozie Braund).
2-11Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Attack error by Anni Braund.
3-11Point SP - (Mattea Kiepert) Attack error by Madison Daley.so
3-12Point XAV - (Alexis Klemm) Kill by Olivia Neumann (from Mariah Potter).so
4-12Point SP - (Madison Daley) Attack error by Annika Kowalski.so
4-13Point XAV - (Anni Braund) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Halle Vande Hey; Haley Flick.
4-14Point XAV - (Annika Kowalski) Service ace (Jozie Braund).
5-14Point SP - (Annika Kowalski) Kill by Kaya Wilson (from Alexis Klemm).so
6-14Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm).
7-14Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Attack error by Halle Vande Hey.
8-14Point SP - (Ellery Apel) Kill by Maggie Hartwig.
Timeout Xavier.
8-15Point XAV - (Ellery Apel) Attack error by Maggie Hartwig (block by Olivia Neumann; Halle Vande Hey).so
8-16Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Attack error by Jenna Pistono.
8-17Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).
8-18Point XAV - (Belle Shea) Kill by Halle Vande Hey (from Mariah Potter).
9-18Point SP - (Belle Shea) Kill by Jozie Braund (from Alexis Klemm), block error by Mariah Potter.so
10-18Point SP - (Jenna Pistono) Kill by Alexis Klemm (from Jenna Pistono).
10-19Point XAV - (Jenna Pistono) Service error.so
10-20Point XAV - (Mariah Potter) Bad set by Ellery Apel.
11-20Point SP - (Mariah Potter) Bad set by Mariah Potter.so
12-20Point SP - (Jozie Braund) Attack error by Madison Daley.
13-20Point SP - (Jozie Braund) Attack error by Mattea Kiepert (block by Maggie Hartwig).
13-21Point XAV - (Jozie Braund) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).so
For XAV: Haley Flick; Halle Vande Hey.
Timeout Sauk Prairie.
14-21Point SP - (Haley Flick) Service error.so
15-21Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Attack error by Madison Daley.
16-21Point SP - (Maggie Hartwig) Attack error by Mattea Kiepert.
Timeout Xavier.
16-22Point XAV - (Maggie Hartwig) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).so
16-23Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Annika Kowalski (from Mariah Potter).
16-24Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Service ace (Anni Braund).
16-25Point XAV - (Mattea Kiepert) Kill by Madison Daley (from Mariah Potter).