Division 1
Braelee Jodarski, Oshkosh West High School - 3.97 GPA
Jodarski is an 11-time letterwinner across the sports of cross country, basketball ans softball. She is a three-time cross country State qualifier, and she
also received earned all-conference honors her freshman through junior seasons and was selected team MVP twice. Jodarski is a two-time state qualifier with the Wildcats' softball program and has received first team all-conference recognition in softball three consecutive years. Braelee writes, “The greatest lessons I’ve learned through my high school academic and athletic experiences are that the value of failure is much greater than just getting back up again. Failure in both the classroom and athletics has taught me that how I choose to define my response, and how I choose to implicate the “lessons” I learn from failure, dictates my character as well as my dedication to myself when I face adversity.” Jodarski intends to enroll at Winona State to study biology/applied health and compete in softball.
Alexa Kinas, Kaukauna High School - 3.93 GPA
A four-sport athlete, Kinas has earned 14 varsity letters across the sports of golf, basketball, cross country and track & field. She was part of
the Ghosts' first-ever cross country State championship team her freshman year. In track & field, Kinas set the school record in the 400-meter dash and is a three-time State qualifier, two-time team MVP. She earned all-conference honors three years in a row. She writes, “My golf coach always said that playing under pressure is a privilege. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given to constantly be the best athlete and teammate I can be. I have learned to never take anything for granted which I have discovered through injury and times of defeat. All of these experiences and lessons are essential for success in various aspects of my life.” Kinas plans to attend Loyola University (Ill.) to study and play basketball.
Sara Mlodik, D.C. Everest High School - 4.0 GPA
Mlodik is first in her class academically and has earned a combined seven varsity letters in cross
country and track & field. She led the Evergreens to a team State track & field championship her freshman season and followed with a Division 1 individual State cross county championship title as a junior. Mlodik is a four-time conference cross country champion and has received all-state track and field honors in the 1,600- and 3,200-meter runs her junior year. Mlodik writes, “While taking academically rigorous courses, I learned that taking on a challenge and not being afraid to make mistakes leads to a stronger understanding of the curriculum. In distance running, racing has taught me that success comes not only from physical endurance but also from mental perseverance.” Mlodik will compete in cross country and track & field while studying materials science and engineering at the University of Wisconsin.
Violet Schulteis, Slinger High School - 4.0 GPA
Schulteis is first in her class academically, and she has earned seven varsity letters in cross country and track & field. She led
the Owls' Cross Country team to a State runner-up trophy as a junior, and followed with a State team championship her senior year. She is a four- time first team all-conference recipient and Runner of the Year in cross country. Schulteis earned the team MVP honor in track & field her freshman through junior seasons. Schulteis shares, “Among the lessons I’ve learned, two stand out prominently: the importance of collaboration, and the crucial need for adaptability when faced with setbacks. The significance of teamwork became evident early on through my experiences on the track and cross-country teams. Despite their appearance as individual activities, these sports are deeply rooted in the collective efforts of teammates.” Schulteis plans to study exercise science and compete in cross country and track & field at Winona State University.
Division 2
Ava Dean, McFarland High School - 3.97 GPA
Dean, has earned a combined 10 letters in volleyball, basketball and soccer with the Spartans. She is a three-time conference champion as a member of
the soccer program. Dean helped her team win a State championship her freshman year. In volleyball, she was selected as conference co-player of the year and received first team all-state honors her senior year. She was also part of the two-time State qualifying volleyball team and received honorable mention all-state honors in basketball her senior season. Dean shares, “The process is what people don’t see, but it is the most demanding part, which is why integrity has been a value I have developed and will continue to use in the future. It has also advanced my time management skills, and learning how to be productive has helped me tremendously with my academics as well as my work ethic.” Dean will attend the University of Wisconsin to study business-real estate and urban land economics.
Lilie Fouts, Xavier High School - 4.0 GPA
Fouts is a combined seven-time letterwinner in cross country and track & field. During her junior and senior cross country
seasons, she led the Hawks to back-to-back team State championships. She is a three-time team MVP in track & field and a two-time team MVP in cross country, Fouts received the conference cross country MVP honors her senior season, and she is a two-time state runner-up in the 3,200-meter run and is a three-time individual sectional champion in cross country. In her essay, she shares, “I learned success comes to those who are resilient and willing to make sacrifices. From long workouts and prioritizing recovery to studying hard even when unmotivated, cross country, track and field, and academics made me the assiduous worker I am today. When I am given a task, I will not give up until I have completed it to the best of my ability.” Fouts is intending to study songwriting/music business and participate in cross country and track & field at Belmont University.
Nora Gremban, Northland Pines High School - 3.65 GPA
Gremban has lettered eight times across three sports, including cross country, track & field and basketball. She brought home an individual State cross
country championship her senior year while also receiving the conference most valuable runner honor that season. Gremban is also a five-time State champion in track & field, running both the 800-meter and 1,600-meter races. She was named her conference’s runner of the year five times and also earned six conference selection honors in track & field and cross country combined. Reflecting, Gremban shares, “Determination builds focus and holds students accountable. This empowers student-athletes to continue to put their best foot forward, realizing that athletics do not define you. Many can get caught up in the whirlwind of homework and competition, yet learning to put your wellness first is crucial. Becoming your best, authentic self will ensure success in all other aspects of life.” Gremban intends to attend the University of Wisconsin to study psychology and participate in cross country and track & field.
Eliana Sheplee, Rice Lake High School - 4.0 GPA
Sheplee has earned 11 varsity letters throughout her career participating in volleyball, basketball and track & field. She is a
three-time State champion and the State record-holder in the 400-meter dash. Sheplee also brought home a state championship in the 200-meter dash as a sophomore and is a three-time all-conference performer. She is the Warriors' all-time leading scorer in basketball and is a three-time all-conference selection. Sheplee also helped the volleyball team to a sectional championship as a junior. She received all-Conference honors three times in volleyball. She writes, “Sports are like life: we have ups and downs, wins and losses, but we can enjoy the journey and learn along the way. We will not always get to compete how we want, but we can be grateful for the learning that comes with the journey.” Sheplee plans to participate in basketball and track & field and study business at the University of Northern Iowa.
Division 3
Aubrey Dorn, McDonell Central Catholic High School - 4.0 GPA
Dorn is ranked first in her class academically and has earned a combined 11 varsity letters in the sports of volleyball, basketball and softball. She
helped the Macks earn back-to-back State championships in volleyball her sophomore and junior years. Dorn was also part of the schools' first State championship basketball team her junior year. She is a two-time, all-conference selection in both volleyball and basketball. In addition, Dorn contributed to the Macks' sectional championship in softball as a junior. Dorn stated, “The most important lesson I learned throughout academics and athletics is resilience and how to overcome adversity. I realized that attitude and effort alone can resolve most of the problems you encounter. I learned there is always value in how much effort you decide to put in, no matter the outcome. It is crucial to see how far you can push yourself without giving up.” Dorn will attend Viterbo University to play basketball and study biochemistry.
Kacy Eggebrecht, Phillips High School - 4.0 GPA
Eggebrecht has earned eleven letters spanning the sports of volleyball, basketball and softball. She is a nine-time conference
team champion, including two titles in softball, three in volleyball and four in basketball. On the basketball court, she helped the Loggers to four straight regional championships. Eggebrecht was named to the all-conference first team three times and was voted conference player of the year. She is a two-time first team all-conference selection in volleyball. During her freshman season, she helped her softball team make a State appearance, Eggebrecht shares, “Motivation is essential to achieving success. Prioritizing school work, and effectively practicing time management skills, is important as I pursue my goals. Through athletics, I have experienced countless setbacks that taught me the virtue of resilience. Setbacks will always happen, but it is your response that matters.” Eggebrecht will attend the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to study animal science.
Hailee Thompson, Bonduel High School - 3.86 GPA
Thompson has earned 11 letters in the sports of basketball, volleyball and softball. She is a six-time all-conference selection. She was a part of the
regional champion volleyball team her junior year and is a three-time team MVP. The three-time volleyball all-conference selection was named conference player of the year her senior year while also achieving 2,000 career assists. On the softball field, three-time all-conference and team MVP selection was chosen the conference most valuable player award her junior year. Thompson was also the Bears' team MVP in basketball her senior year. She shared, “I have grown to learn that family and the support behind me is one of my biggest blessings. Having supportive people in both my academic and athletic careers has helped me recognize that no matter what the circumstance is, if I put my mind to it, I can accomplish it.” Thompson plans to double major in sports marketing and leadership, and play softball and volley ball at Lakeland University.
Lucy Belisle, St. Croix Falls High School - 3.97 GPA
Belisle has earned 11 varsity letters across the sports of in volleyball, basketball and track & field. She helped the Saints
volleyball team earn a State runner-up finish her junior year and followed with a State championship her senior year. Belisle helped the basketball team win four conference championships and qualify for State her sophomore season. She received team most valuable player honors her senior year. In track & field, she was a three-year all-conference performer and team MVP as a freshman. Belisle writes, “Experiencing good leadership through sports has been what led to the skills I have picked up to be one myself. I will forever be thankful to the role models who have taught me to hold my composure gracefully and spread positivity and encouragement to my teammates. These skills expand beyond a basketball court and carry into daily life by creating an environment that others around me feel motivated by.” Belisle intends to study education and compete in volleyball at Augustana University.
Division 4
Sophia Bablitch, Rosholt High School - 3.72 GPA
Bablitch has earned a combined eight varsity letters in cross country, basketball and track & field. A three-time State track & field qualifier, she won the
State championship in the 3,200-meter run her junior year. Bablitch was also a two-time State runner-up in the 1,600 meter race her sophomore and junior seasons. She possesses the Hornet track & field school records in the 800, 1,600 and 3,200 runs. Bablitch won three conference track & field titles She is a four-time State qualifier in cross country. Bablitch shares, “If I have learned anything throughout my high school career, as I balance my life as a student-athlete with a chronic medical condition, it would be resilience and mental strength. The connections and friendships I made along the way with competitors and teammates also taught me that I am never alone in my struggles.” Bablitch plans to attend the University of Minnesota to study journalism and communications, and compete in cross country and track & field.
Kendall Duellman, Assumption High School - 3.8 GPA
Duellman has earned 11 varsity letters across the sports of volleyball, basketball and soccer. She is a three-time all
conference select and most valuable player her junior season in soccer. Duellman helped the Royals soccer to State appearances as a freshman and sophomore. On the basketball court, she was a member of the State championship team her freshman year and earned four conference championships. In her essay, she shares, “Small details matter. My freshmen year started with a teacher telling me to “do the little things.” I was not exactly sure what he meant, but as I started to hear it more often, it became apparent. They are things that may go unnoticed to most, but can make a big difference in someone's day. These often unnoticed little things in life are what make a leader.” Duellman intends to attend Marquette University to study business administration.
Alana Durtschi, Albany High School - 4.0 GPA
Durtschi is first in her class academically and has earned 11 varsity letters in three sports, including basketball, softball and
volleyball. She helped her Comets basketball team win a State championship her senior year, and she received the all-conference honors as the league's MVP the past two seasons. On the softball field, she helped the softball team finish State runner-up in 2021 and earned team MVP honors her sophomore and junior seasons in addition to receiving all-conference recognition as a junior. Durtschi shares, “Juggling academic studies with a busy athletic schedule is tough, but it taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance. I’ve learned that sports can be a temporary thing, so I make sure to apply the same level of determination to academics. I’ve achieved high marks in difficult classes and multiple college courses that earned me the honor of valedictorian.” Durtschi intends to study education at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
Marah Brett Gruen, Royall High School - 4.0 GPA
Gruen is first in her class academically and has earned a staggering 17 varsity letters across five sports, including. cross
country, volleyball, basketball, softball and track & field. As a freshman, she helped the Panthers win a State track & field championship and qualify in for State in volleyball. As a sophomore, she was a four-event State track and field qualifier, participating in the mile, two mile, triple jump and long jump. Gruen earned all-conference track & field honors three years. She received the all-conference and MVP awards in cross country, volleyball and basketball her senior year as well as first team all-state honors in volleyball and basketball. Gruen shares, “My involvement in five sports while maintaining a 4.0 GPA has allowed me to enhance my time management skills, gain valuable leadership skills, improve my mental strength, and become accommodated with handling pressure. These priceless characteristics have allowed me to grow individually and as a teammate.” Gruen intends to participate in volleyball and study nursing at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.