Sports Report PLUS | Sportsmanship | Schools | Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association

Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus - Girls Swimming & Diving

Fort Atkinson Invitational
Oct. 19, 2019

During invitational, the starter was having issues with the starting mic functioning correctly; so the last heat had to step up and down a few times while the mic was being worked on. When the heat was whistled up for the last time, the swimmer in Lane 7 had her goggle strap break as she was stepping up. Without prompting from anyone, Sydney Maas, a Fort Atkinson swimmer waiting for the first heat of the next event, stepped up to hand the swimmer (from another school) her own goggles. The starter and I (the referee) both commended Sydney on her generous offer of use of her own goggles to the swimmer from an opposing school. True sportsmanship at its best!

Reporting Official:  Cathie Marty

Sportsmanship Plus - Boys Soccer

Green Bay Southwest @ Sheboygan North
Oct. 18, 2019

I'd like to congratulate applaud applaud the young men from Sheboygan North and Green Bay Southwest for excellent sportsmanship and conduct during this match. The game was strongly contested, with great speed, efforts and skills from both sides with many displays of respect for officials, opponents & teammates. I'd like to recognize the captains of each squad for their exemplary leadership, displays of sporting conduct, and team control during hotly contested periods. Ryan Biebel; Jet Lee; Chase Renzelmann; and Trevor Johnson from Sheboygan North and Owen Stieber and Camden Czarnecki from Green Bay Southwest . These six young men are well on their way to leading outstanding lives as adults and community leaders. Being the student-athletes you are was a part of this! Both teams should be proud of themselves. Their sportsmanship was readily apparent from kick-off to final whistle. Their coaches, parents, and teachers have much to do with this and should share some joy with these young men.

Reporting Official:  Andy Walsh

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Wonewoc-Center/Weston @ North Crawford
Oct. 11, 2019

Upon arriving, we were warmly welcomed by Athletic Director Tina Volden. She escorted us to our locker room, which was very nice. Both teams played hard and respectful with no complaining by players, coaches, or fans. There was great sportsmanship shown by both teams as they helped each other up after plays and complemented each other on good plays. The coaches coached and the players played with the fans cheering. All of the coaches on both teams were very positive with their players and kept encouraging them to play hard. The school districts of Wonewoc Center/ Weston and North Crawford can be proud of how the players and coaches represented their school districts. A number of the players and coaches thanked us for being there to officiate their football game. A great night to be a part of high school sports.

Reporting Official:  Tracy Krueger

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Ladysmith @ Hayward/La Courte Oreilles
Oct. 11, 2019

This letter is to again acknowledge the outstanding sportsmanship displayed by Hayward. The school district puts forth the hard work to  teaching fine sportsmanship with their coaches, students, fans, and game management. The coaches were organized, communicated positively and modeled the proper behavior that teaches what sports is about, which is having fun, being competitive, learning leadership, and solving problems. The coaches’ actions modeled the sportsmanship behavior for the players and fans. The lines judge provided adjectives like class, enthusiasm, and respect to describe the head coach. The assistant coach informed the crew prior to kick off that he is loud and will be yelling, but he never yells at officials. This is what the crew experienced as his sense of humor motivated his players in a positive manner. Hayward’s coaching staff questions were asked in a respectful manner, and the answers were accepted in the same way. There were a variety of other people who made this game enjoyable to officiate. Fans were supportive and positive. The loud cheers and support of the team and community was proudly exhibited. This was influenced by the positive statements made by the announcer for both teams. The clock operator was one of the best we have experienced all year, and the experienced chain crew made the game flow smoothly. Athletics Director Billy O’Brien was outstanding with his pregame communication and his hospitality during and after the game. He really makes officials feel welcomed and appreciated  Congratulations to Coach Berghammer and his staff for the fine job of coaching and the outstanding work you do in educating our youth on the importance of positive sportsmanship. We wish Hayward’s sports’ programs the best of success!

Reporting Official:  Shawn Umland

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

Spring Valley @ Mondovi
Oct. 11, 2019

Throughout the whole game the sideline remained clean. Before, during and after this game, which was won on a last-second field goal, the players, coaches, and fans were very positive. Both school districts should be very proud of all of them. It was a great pleasure to have the honor to work this game.

Reporting Official:  Clifton Thompson


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