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Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus - Football

West De Pere @ Wrightstown
Oct. 11, 2019

I speak on behalf of our entire football crew when I say it was a privilege and honor to be a part of a great high school sporting experience. It began with the excellent communication and organization by Athletic Director Craig Haese and his assistant, Brenda Halfman. Their attention to detail was outstanding and effective. We were met with hospitality and courtesy by everyone at Wrightstown High School. The two respective coaches, Steve Klister of Wrightstown and Jack Battan of West DePere are two of the finest examples of what role models for young athletes should be. Both teams were well-coached, organized and respectful to each other and to us as a crew. Both teams played hard to the whistle and then were helping each other up for the next play. Both teams displayed an intensity and mutual respect. Understanding that results are important and that is the reason scores and standings are kept, the results in this contest were secondary to the effort and pride shown by each of these teams. One could sense that these athletes are taught lessons each day at practice that will extend well past their high school playing days. Coach Klister and Coach Battan are preparing these young men for success in life. What was truly rewarding was at games end to see players from both teams sincerely congratulating and slapping each other on the back on a well-played and hard-fought game. Each team could walk away with pride, regardless of the results, having given their best effort and leaving it all on the field of play knowing they did their best.

Reporting Official:  Stephen Sanders

Sportsmanship Plus - Girls Volleyball

Racine Lutheran @ Martin Luther
Oct. 8, 2019

Athletics Director Corey Scheel met us walking down the hallway. He escorted us into the gym. Between matches he offered us water and snacks. Mr. Scheel stayed for all the matches. The varsity coach, Haley Naber, was courteous and friendly before, during and after the match. I have officiated Martin Luther home and away, and at a tournament this year. Coach Naber has always been courteous. She cheers her team on. There are no negative comments directed at players or officials. Their floor captain, Emma Spaciel, is a leader. During a set, one of her teammates was walking over to the ladder to ask me a question about a call. Ms. Spaciel told her teammate to go back, that she would handle the situation. We discussed the call.She thanked me and play resumed. The AD, coach and captain made these contests into enjoyable games.Thank you Martin Luther for being an example of how, from beginning to end, good sportsmanship can create a winning atmosphere for all.

Reporting Official:  Dale Laabs

Sportsmanship Plus - Cross Country

Medford Invitational
Oct. 3

The meet was held in cold, raining weather on a very muddy course. Often at the end of a race some of the top finishers turn to congratulate some of the other finishers as they cross the finish line. This day, the top ten finishers took this to higher level. It started with the top two finishers from Marshfield and carried over to the top 10 finishers. The ten 10 runners lined the end of the finish chute to shake the hand of each and every runner. With the weather being very poor, their shoes very wet and the back of their uniforms covered in mud they had every right to go get some warm dry clothes. But these runners stayed until each and every runner finished the course. The greeted each runner no matter what school they were from. This show of support of their fellow competitors was a joy to watch.

Reporting Official:  Michael Bub

Sportsmanship Plus - Girl Volleyball

La Crosse Logan @ La Crosse Central (Varsity Reserve)
Oct. 3, 2019

It's always a pleasure officiating a contest when coaches take care of coaching, players take care of playing, and officials are allowed to do their jobs. This was definitely the case in the varsity reserve volleyball match. Every point of the match was hotly contested. The players left everything they had on the floor. The coaches concentrated their efforts coaching their players. This behavior speaks volumes about the the fabric of both schools from the administrators to the coaches. It's obvious everyone puts competition in perspective. Both schools deserve our congratulations for their sportsmanship. The "PLUS" part of this contest is the care I received after losing consciousness and falling from the referee's platform in the middle of the third set. Principal Troy Mc Donald and Activities Director Joe Beran should be congratulated for having a crisis response plan in place and carrying it out to perfection. I'm not sure who all to thank, but I definitely saw the concern and compassion on both Troy's and Joe's face.

Reporting Official:  Chuck Ihle

Sportsmanship Plus - Girl Volleyball

Xavier @ SPRAWL Tournament
Sept. 28, 2019

Throughout the day the entire team, head coach Luke Herriges, assistant coaches, and players were awesome to work with. Whether it was during play or when they were our work team on their off rounds, they went above and beyond to show excellent sportsmanship to all, officials and competitors alike. This was a feeling both my partner and I shared as we discussed the day on our way out of the facility. Coach Herriges and the Xavier athletic department should be proud of the great program they have. Best of luck the rest of the season and I hope to see them down the road!

Reporting Official:  Patrick Mott


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