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Sports Report PLUS


Sportsmanship Plus - News

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Menasha @ Xavier
May 2, 2019

For both programs, respect was noticeably one of the central values being taught in the classroom, at practice, and on game day. Menasha players Tristin DeBriyn and Jordan Nichols were true leaders on the field. Xavier’s Phil Lorge showed numerous positive acts of sportsmanship throughout the contest. I also wanted to emphasize the hustle aspect of both Kaiser VandeLoo of Menasha and Phil Lorge of Xavier. These two catchers really worked hard in their catching roles. I witnessed them picking up numerous bats, offering a kind word to an opponent for a good play, and moving bats for opponents during play to make sure the area around the plate was safe. Both the Menasha and Xavier school and community leadership should be proud of these young men, their coaches, and their parents for their excellent display of positive sportsmanship at an education based athletic event. Best of luck to both teams this season and keep up the great work!

Reporting Official:  Brent Thompson

Sportsmanship Plus - Softball


In the past few seasons we as officials have heard a lot about the abuse we have received from coaches and fans. I would like to point out the sportsmanship of the players we officiate. The players are always cordial and appreciative of our efforts on the field. This is why we officiate, not for the coaches or fans, but for the players who can go out and enjoy playing the games they love. I cannot count over the past few seasons how many players have said "thanks blue" after our games. This why I will keep on officiating as long as I can.

Reporting Official:  Gerald Sabel

Sportsmanship Plus - Girls Soccer

Wausau East vs. Wausau West
May 4, 2019

From the coaches, to the players to the spectators, the sportsmanship was outstanding as they showed respect to each other and the officials working the contest. If a girl was fouled they helped each other up and even apologized to each other. This is the kind of soccer match that is a pleasure to experience and work. Keep up the good work coaches and girls at Wausau East and Wausau West.

Reporting Official:  Rob Weise

Sportsmanship Plus - Girls Soccer

Eau Claire North @ Chippewa Falls
April 30, 2019

On a cold and rainy day, I had forgotten my gloves in my duffle bag and planned to simply suffer through the game. Part way through the first half, #25 for Eau Claire North (I’m sorry I didn’t get her name) noticed me trying to keep my hands warm. She said she had some gloves, but I said I’d be fine and finished the half. At halftime, #25 took the time to dig out the gloves from her bag, and as we were about to go on the field for the second half, she came over to me and gave me the gloves to wear. I thanked her and was able to keep my hands warmer in the second half. It was such a sweet gesture and so kind of her to think about others, despite her being in the heat of competition. The world could use more people like this.

Reporting Official:  Ryan Gutsch

Sportsmanship Plus - Baseball

Random Lake @ St. Mary Central
April 26, 2019

Thank you to both Random Lake and St. Mary’s Catholic for your hustle and sportsmanship throughout a recent contest. Blake Hall and Tyler Landgraf of Random Lake and Holden Fischer of St. Mary Catholic, thank you for your hustle, warming up the pitcher between innings, picking up bats and helmets, and the positive dialog with both myself and opponents. All of us involved in a baseball game appreciate positive sportsmanship, thank you to these young men and their respective programs for going above and beyond to make the game enjoyable and exciting. Best of luck for the rest of the season!

Reporting Official:  Brent Thompson


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