Hosting a “Pink” Event
BALL: May be pink & white or pink white and another color. Ball must meet all specifications (Rule 2-2) and have NFHS authenticating mark.
UNIFORM: The HOME team may wear pink. Uniforms must meet NFHS requirements (Rule 44-1) including legally positioned numbers (Rule 4-1-h-1). No advertising is allowed on the uniform. “Kick Pink” or other trademark phrases are not allowed since they are considered advertising.
If the uniform tops are t-shirts which have been donated, the athletes must either pay for them or return them to the school when the event is finished. Failure to follow this requirement jeopardizes the amateur status of the athletes.
SHOES: Are not covered by NFHS/WIAA rules so may be pink.
SWEATBAND AND HAIR CONTROL DEVICES: Provided they adhere to Rule 4-2-4 may be pink.
FUND RAISING: See the following from the Eligibility Q & A Q: I am a high school girls basketball coach. Our girls basketball team would like to hold a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society this coming season and I just want to check that how we plan on doing it will not violate any WIAA rules. Here’s our plan, our fundraiser will be based on how many free throws the girls varsity team makes during the season. Each player will solicit funds or donations based on the free throw made. People could donate a lump sum or could donate X amount per free throw made. As an example last year we made 205 free throws. If you pledged a dollar per free throw, you would be donating $205 at year end for the team to donate to the American Cancer Society. No funds are kept by or for the team. A: While we appreciate the causes which our schools and athletes support, I recommend that you find a different method to raise funds. The Board of Control has made it clear that fundraisers connected to performance in competition are not allowed. Both from the sportsmanship perspective as well as from the “paid to perform” and or gaming/gambling end of things, it is not a good idea and not allowed. Your plan would be allowed in a practice setting.
OFFICIALS: May participate by using a ping whistle or wearing a pink wristband. Wearing a pink officiating uniform ,shoes, or socks.
A proposal to create administrative rules related to soccer goals has been sent by the Safety and Building Division of the Wisconsin Department of Commerce to the state legislature for assembly and senate committee review.
The proposal to create administrative code chapter Comm 9, Movable Soccer Goals, is in response to 2009 Wisconsin Act 390, s. 167.21, Wis. Stats., which calls for rules to ensure that movable soccer goals are properly anchored or secured to reduce the possibility of goals tipping over or being pull down and resulting in injuries or fatalities.
The proposals developed reflect the Guidelines for Movable Soccer Goal Safety from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The rules would apply to new and existing goals located at public places, such as parks, as well as those located at private schools or private recreational facilities. Enforcement would be via a complaint to Safety and Buildings Division staff, but the expectation is that owners of movable soccer goals will voluntarily adhere to the rules once the information is made public.
There was previously a public hearing on the rules and the public can contact the legislative committees if additional input is desired. The rules would possibly be effective July 1, 2011.
Here is a like to the code proposal documents,
For additional information, contact Jim Quast, Safety and Buildings Division Program Manager,, 608-266-9292.