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Rules & Regulations


Rules and Regulations

2025 NFHS Rules Changes

Risk Minimization and Sportsmanship Addressed in 2025 Baseball Rules Changes

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (July 11, 2024) — High school baseball players using non-wood bats will have greater flexibility in using substances to enhance their grip on the bat with a change that brings consistency to Rule 1-3-2.

This rule revision was one of two proposed by the NFHS Baseball Rules Committee after its annual rules meeting held June 2-4 at The Alexander hotel in Indianapolis. The rules changes were accepted by the NFHS Board of Directors and are effective with the 2025 season.

Rule 1-3-2c1 addresses allowable grips on non-wood bats and now includes clarification that resin, pine tar or another drying agent can be applied to the bat, not to exceed beyond 18 inches from the base of the knob. In addition to allowing players more grip control on their bats, it makes the standards the same as wood bats.

"For years, players using wood bats had the luxury of being allowed to use substances that ensure better grip,” said Elliot Hopkins, NFHS Director of Sports and liaison to the Baseball Rules Committee. “This rule change permits users of non-wood bats the same opportunity to protect others while maintaining a firm and solid grip of the baseball bat. Both styles of bats can now enjoy the ability to improve their grip and hold while not interfering with the ball-striking area of the bat.”

The other rules change relates to forfeited games. Rule 4-4-1 outlines the conditions that can result in a forfeit and item ‘c’ now includes the failure to remove an ejected coach or team personnel from the game as a reason an umpire may force a team to forfeit. Previously, only an ejected player was listed.

Rule 4-4 is more about coaches maintaining proper decorum for their players and coaching staff,” Hopkins said. “If the emotional rigors of the game become overwhelming for students and coaches, this rule intends to bring the offending parties back to the center of the reason for education-based athletics.”

A complete listing of the baseball rules changes will be available on the NFHS website at www.nfhs.org. Click on “Activities & Sports” at the top of the home page and select “Baseball.”

According to the 2022-23 NFHS High School Athletics Participation Survey, baseball is the fourth most popular boys sport with 478,451 boys participating in 15,978 high schools across the country.

2023-24 NFHS Rule Changes


ART. 1 . . . Any wristband with defensive shifts/offensive plays/pitching choices or game directions attached shall be considered non-electronic equipment and is permitted as long as it is a single, solid color. For pitchers, it may not contain the colors white, gray or be distracting. It does not have to match the color of the uniform or the sleeves worn underneath the uniform. It shall only be worn on a player(s) wrist or forearm and pitchers shall wear it on their non-pitching arm.
PENALTY: The umpire shall issue a team warning to coach of the team involved and the next offender(s) of that team will be ejected along with the head coach.

Rationale: Clarification. With the increase in popularity of these style of communication systems, confusion has been realized when the players wear them other than on their arm. This change will prohibit these types of products from being worn other places.

ART. 2 . . . One-way electronic communication devices are permissible from the dugout to the catcher while the team is on defense for the purpose of calling pitches. When using the electronic communication device, the coach cannot be outside the dugout/bench area.
PENALTY: The umpire shall issue a team warning to coach of the team involved and the next offender(s) of that team will be ejected along with the head coach.

Rationale: This rule allows for a team to utilize an electronic device for the purpose of calling pitches from the dugout. The device would only be able to be one-way, meaning the player cannot use an electronic device to respond or communicate back to the coach. Various technologies, earpiece, electronic band or a smart watch could be used giving teams several options at varying costs. No other player would be able to wear or use this device nor would the coach be able to communicate with any other player using electronic communication.

ART. 5 . . . A coach may use a one-way electronic communication device to communicate to the catcher for the purpose of calling pitches. Coaches may not use electronic communication device(s) to communicate with any other team member while on defense or any team member while on offense. When using the electronic communication device, the coach cannot be outside the dugout/bench area.
PENALTY: The umpire shall issue a team warning to coach of the team involved and the next offender(s) of that team will be ejected along with the head coach.

Rationale: Allows for the coach to communicate with the catcher using an electronic communication device for the purpose of calling pitches.

h. Forfeit the game for prescribed infractions by spectators, coaches, players or team/bench personnel.

Rationale: Umpires have jurisdiction over the confines of the field, players, coaches and team/bench personnel. If there are issues with spectators, it is the responsibility of game management to deal with spectators and to ensure that the facility is safe for all involved.

Suggested Speed-Up Rules After Put Outs #3
Rules 1 and 2 remain the same.
#3 Following the final out in any inning, the ball shall be given to the nearest umpire. The plate umpire shall give the ball to the catcher. The base umpire shall place the ball on the pitcher's plate.

Rationale: This is a NFHS Softball rule book mechanic that needs to be deleted from the NFHS Baseball rule book.


1-5-4: Clarified that eye shields that are not intended for a baseball catchers helmet and mask combination and any tinted eye shields should not be attached to face masks.

1-5-12: Deleted the jewelry rule.  Exceptions are covered under other existing rules.

2-4-4 (NEW): Clarified the definition of a lodged ball.

3-3-1d: Deleted the jewelry rule.  Exceptions are covered under other existing rules.

6-1-1, 6-1-2, 6-1-3:  Modified the pitching rule with the elimination of the relevance of the non-pivot foot. The pivot foot will be the determining factor to decide if the pitcher is in the wind-up or set pitching position.

Officials Signals: Umpire signals have been separated into two categories: Pre-Pitch Situational Changes and During Play and Results of Play.


2024 NFHS Points of Emphasis

2024 Points of Emphasis

The NFHS Baseball Rules Committee and the NFHS Board of Directors believes there are areas of the game of interscholastic baseball that need to be addressed and given special attention. These areas of concern are often cyclical – some areas need more attention than others, and that is why they might appear in the rules book for consecutive editions. These concerns are identified as “Points of Emphasis.” For the 2024 high school baseball season, attention is being called to: Malicious Contact, Profanity (Direct or Indirect) and Pace of Play. When a topic is included in the Points of Emphasis, these topics are important enough to reinforce throughout the academic year because additional attention is warranted.

Malicious Contact

While not a new topic, malicious contact registers as the third most discussed Point of Emphasis (POE) behind good sporting behavior and pitching restrictions. Malicious contact was a POE in 2006-2008 and also in 2014. The frequency of emphasis is not surprising. It is a topic that begs for a complete and understandable definition, but is unable to find one that captures every possible scenario. The majority of intentional collisions occur at home plate when the catcher is attempting to make a play on a base runner. Conventional wisdom from past NFHS Baseball Rules Committees would say that malicious contact can be initiated (and penalized) by either the offensive or defensive player(s), and that incidental contact is expected in baseball. An example is the infrequent but dramatic “train wreck” play, where the thrown ball, the fielder and the runner meet at the same time. It is always a violent convergence, but not intentional, nor is anyone trying to hurt the other. It is just a normal baseball play.

Contact or a collision is considered to be malicious if (1) the contact is the result of intentional excessive force, and/or (2) there is intent to injure. The absence of these two conditions does not preclude the presence of malicious contact but would provide a reasonable starting point for proper interpretation. Rules guidance can be found in Rules 2, 3, 5, 8, Dead Ball Table and Base Running Awards Table. The NFHS rules code is education-based not only for the coaches and players, but for the umpires as well. Umpires should have the flexibility to judge witnessed contact as malicious or not. Their judgment should not be removed by rule but enhanced by education, video review, umpire board/chapter training, game experience and field locations/mechanics.

Profanity (Direct or Indirect)

Education-based athletics is a direct extension of the classroom. When the educational component is removed, then everything changes, and it becomes a completely different game, devoid of accountability and structure. A student who blurts out a profanity either toward someone or simply out of frustration in school would be disciplined by the classroom teacher or the building principal. There is no excuse for foul language in school or on the baseball field. Regardless of what is portrayed at other levels, this is not acceptable and should be addressed by the umpire(s). The rule support for this behavior is clear, the penalties are: (1) a verbal warning to the offender, (2) issuance of a written warning to the offender which warrants being restricted to the bench/dugout for the remainder of the game, or (3) eject the offender for a major offense. The Bench and Field Conduct Section (NFHS Rule 3-3-1f1-4) provides several sub-articles addressing profanity and harmful behaviors. High school sports and other activities exist to lift people up, positively challenge them and their abilities, not to demean or tear people down. The goal is to treat everyone fairly and treat each other with respect. Any language that is profane, intimidating, insulting, demeaning or hurtful will not be tolerated. Coaches, school administrators and parent groups should work together to ensure that the game creates a positive environment for all involved. Profanity spoken loud enough to be heard is profanity that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Pace of Play

High school athletics is education-based for an age group that ranges from 14 to 18 years of age. Baseball is an extension of the classroom. Unlike other sports, baseball is not “clock” driven. The average time of a high school varsity baseball game is around 2 hours and 9 minutes. At other levels of the sport, time is more crucial and has been the focus of those rules-writing organizations. At the advanced levels, some longtime existing plays and practices have been eliminated to shorten the game and in-part enhance the fan experience. High school baseball does not have these same issues and does not share the same challenges of production costs, satellite time, throngs of network media or maximizing the entertainment value or offerings for the fans. These goals are very simplistic. The NFHS encourages students to participate in high school activities, learn from play and be better citizens from playing. While high school baseball does not have overall game-time restrictions, the NFHS is cognizant that extended games are part of baseball. Baseball games can be more efficient with a focus on time and time management. Pace of play involves several factors, and the NFHS believes that giving special attention to these five areas will assist with the flow and pace of our game.

20-second Time Limit Between Pitches/Plays (6-2-2c)
This rule has been in our rule book since the late 1970s as a tool to use when the pitcher is prolonging the delivery of the pitch because of gamesmanship or overall lack of game efficiency. Past rule committees did not intend to negatively impact a game that is being played at a reasonable pace and rhythm. The rule was meant to be utilized when preventative officiating fails to provide the necessary outcome. When talking to the pitcher regarding the length of delay between each pitch, or speaking with the catcher to “nudge” the other half of the battery to pitch in a more timely manner, or mentioning to the coach at the half-inning that the game is being affected by the pitcher’s delay does not change the pitcher’s behavior, then this is a problem and would result in the penalty being applied.

Time Between Half-Innings (6-2-2 EXCEPTION)
There are a lot of moving pieces in between half-innings. By rule, the time from the last out to the next pitch is 1 minute and 20 seconds The role of the umpire is to facilitate the defense getting into place, the pitcher warming up and start the inning. There is no place for visiting with the fans or having an extended discussion with the other umpire(s).

Batter Repeatedly Stepping Out of the Batter’s Box (7-3-1)
The NFHS Rules Book is clear when the batter is allowed to step out of the batter’s box and when they cannot. It is understandable and part of the game for the batter to step out of the batter’s box to get the signal from the third base coach on how to approach the next pitch because it is very situational. The batter needs to be encouraged to get back in the batter’s box with a sense of expediency. However, repeatedly stepping out to alter the rhythm of the pitcher or delay the game is not acceptable and the penalty needs to be applied by the umpire.

Umpire’s Time Management

Time management is crucial to how the game progresses. If the umpire is not consistent in motivating both teams to get off and on the field, expedite conferences, encourage the batter from excessively stepping out of the batter’s box, this will add unnecessary delay to the contest. The umpire cannot control the skill level of the players of both teams; however, there are other areas that the umpire can positively impact the pace and speed of the game. The players’ abilities will affect the speed of the game, but the other areas that the umpire has direct control over should be monitored and utilized in creating a sense of urgency during the contests.

Excessive Player Conferences

A player conference is very different than a charged conference. The NFHS supports teammates encouraging each other and developing that camaraderie. That is part of the lesson one learns from playing a team sport. However, when team bonding becomes excessive and it begins to delay the game, then the umpire needs to step in and expedite the conclusion of the meeting.


2024 NFHS Comments on the Rules


Baseball Comments on the Rules - 2024

Clarified that wristbands that are non-electronic shall be worn on the wrist or forearm of a player and certain colors are restricted (1-6-1) — With the increase in popularity of these style of communication systems, confusion has occurred when the players wear them other than on their arm. This change will prohibit these types of products from being worn other places.

Modified that one-way electronic communication devices are permitted from the dugout/ bench to the catcher. (1-6-2, 3-2-5) — Allows for the coach to communicate with the catcher using an electronic communication device for the purpose of calling pitches. The device would only be able to be one-way, meaning the player cannot use an electronic device to respond or communicate back to the coach. Various technologies, earpiece, electronic band or a smartwatch could be used to provide schools several options at varying costs. No other player would be able to wear or use this device nor would the coach be able to communicate with any other player using electronic communication.

Modified that one-way electronic communication devices are permitted from the dugout/ bench to the catcher (3-2-5) — Allows for the coach to communicate with the catcher using an electronic communication device for the purpose of calling pitches.

Clarified the authority of the umpire as it relates to spectators (10-2-3h) — Umpires have jurisdiction over the confines of the field, players, coaches and team/bench personnel. If there are issues with spectators, it is the responsibility of game management to deal with spectators and to ensure that the facility is safe for all involved.

Speed-Up Rule #3 (After Putouts) — The item is deleted due to it being a non-relevant baseball rule.

2020-21 NFHS Covid Considerations

PDF Version

2020-21 Baseball Considerations

            In support of the Guidance for Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities, the NFHS Baseball Rules Committee offers this document for state associations to consider whether any possible rules could be altered for the 2020-21 season. The considerations outlined in this document are meant to decrease potential exposure to respiratory droplets by encouraging social distancing, limiting participation in administrative tasks to essential personnel and allowing for appropriate protective equipment.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and there might be additional steps in each school, city, and state to help prevent the spread of virus. Even when taking all precautions, there will still be risk of transmitting illnesses. Everyone should stay vigilant about the health of members of their teams. Lastly, the situation with Covid-19 is rapidly changing. These considerations may quickly become outdated. Please keep up with the latest from the CDC and other health officials in your state.

Return to Competition

General Considerations:

  • Have hand sanitizer and wipes available at the field.
  • Wash stations or sanitizer at each dugout.
  • No one touches the score sheet except the scorer.
  • Disinfect the bench/dugout prior to competition.
  • Not allowing fans.
  • Everyone wears masks at the ballfield.
  • Stagger seating of fans.
  • Check the fans’ temperature prior to admission.
  • Minimize the number of spectators.
  • Each team provides sanitized balls (bucket) while on defense.
    • Have a bucket of “dirty” balls available so they can be sanitized after the game.
  • Sanitize bases after each contest.

Considerations for Coaches:

  • Wear masks on and off the field.
  • No line-up card exchange.
  • Eliminate handshakes post-game.
  • Maintain 6’ distance between players and umpires.
  • No seeds, gum or spitting.
  • Evaluate pre-existing health conditions.

Considerations for Players:

  • No seeds, gum or spitting.
  • Players must clean and sanitize equipment after each game
  • Social distancing on the bench and/or dugout.
  • No sharing of water bottles.
  • No sharing of batting helmets.
  • No sharing of catcher’s equipment.
  • No sharing of bats.
  • Sanitize all equipment after each game.
  • No physical contact.
  • Eliminate handshakes post game.
  • Eliminate handshakes with coaches/umpires pre-game.
  • Evaluate pre-existing health conditions.
  • Carry hand sanitizer.
    • If the pitcher puts his/her hands to their mouth off the mound and touches the ball, “Time” is called, a new ball is inserted and the pitcher much sanitize their hands before throwing the next pitch.

Considerations for Umpires:

  • Bring personal hand sanitizer. Wash hands frequently
  • Don’t share equipment.
  • No touching of baseballs.
  • No line-up card exchange.
  • The umpire-in-chief should wear a face mask behind the plate.
  • Clean equipment after each game.
  • Follow social distancing guidelines. Consider six feet minimum distance when talking to others (players, coaches, other umpires) at plate meeting.
  • Do not shake hands and follow pre and post-game ceremony guidelines established by state associations.
  • Evaluate pre-existing health conditions.

Considerations for Parents

(A family’s role in maintaining safety guidelines for themselves and others):

  • Make sure your child and immediate household members are free from illness before participating in practice and competition (if there is doubt stay home),
  • Provide personal items for your child and clearly label them.
  • Disinfect your students’ personal equipment after each game or practice.

Catcher Head Gear - Two Piece

Answer to a common question as the MLB rules have allowed a return to two piece catcher's protection head gear:

Q:  I have a question for you concerning catchers head protection in baseball. It is our understanding that the older style head protection consisting of the scull cap – (no earflaps)  and the wire faceguard  is illegal at the HS level. The newer hockey style head protection is legal and approved at the HS level for baseball catchers. Is this correct? Can you send me the ruling on this? We have a number of coaches and players wanting to order the style we feel is illegal.

A:  You are correct.  Those are illegal and have been for quite some time.  They must have full ear protection.  
Rule 1 Players, Field and Equipment
ART. 3 . . . The catcher shall wear, in addition to a head protector, a mask with a throat protector, body protector, protective cup (male only), and baseball protective shin guards.
ART. 4 . . . The catcher's helmet and mask combination shall meet the NOCSAE standard. Any helmet or helmet and mask combination shall have full ear protection (dual ear flaps). A throat protector, which is either a part of or attached to the catcher's mask, is mandatory. A throat protector shall adequately cover the throat. The commercially manufactured catcher's head, face and throat protection may be a one-piece or multi-piece design. While in a crouch position, any non-adult warming up a pitcher at any location shall wear a head protector, a mask with a throat protector and a protective cup (male only).
PENALTY: Failure by a player to wear proper equipment after being so ordered by the umpire, shall result in ejection. 

Pace of Play

Pace of Game Play

The NFHS baseball committee identified these areas in need of improvements that detract from what otherwise is an exciting and enjoyable game:

  • Handling offensive and defensive charged conferences in a timely manner.  
  • Speeding up the time between innings (1 minute) and during pitching changes.
  • Maintaining the time between pitches (20 seconds).
  • Umpires diligently counting the number of warm-up pitches.
  • The batter’s box rule (the batter must generally keep one foot in the box during an at-bat).  Unless it meets one of the eight exceptions:
    • The batter swings at the pitch.
    • The batter is forced out of the box by the pitch.
    • The batter attempts a “drag bunt.”
    • The pitcher or catcher feints or attempts a play at any base.
    • The pitcher leaves the dirt area of the pitching mound or takes a position more than five feet from the pitcher’s plate after receiving the ball.
    • A member of either team requests and is granted “Time.”
    • The catcher leaves the catcher’s box to adjust his equipment or give defensive signals.
    • The catcher does not catch the pitched ball.

Pitch Smart Information

The “Introduction to Pitch Smart” online course produced by USA Baseball has been added to the available courses through the NFHS Learning Center at www.NFHSLearn.com. 


“Pitch Smart” is a joint arm-care initiative between USA Baseball and Major League Baseball aimed at reducing arm injuries by amateur pitchers by providing comprehensive resources for safe pitching practices.

Pitcher Instruction Week

Baseball coaches will have up to five days of pitching instruction during the week prior to the first date for baseball practice (Sun to Sat). Only one session per day per athlete is permitted with the maximum length of two hours per individual.

Regulations for Baseball Pitcher Instruction

Umpire Mechanics

WIAA Baseball Adaptations


Printable Version - Please print and place in your rules book.

2020 WIAA Covid Guidelines

2020 NFHS Baseball Considerations

WIAA Pitch Count

The Pitch Count grid is a tool for coaches to use and the pitch count recorder is only a recommendation.

Pitch Count Restrictions | Pitch Count FAQ
Pitch Count Grid | Pitch Count Tracking Sheet
Pitch Count Log - Excel (xls)

Catcher NOCSAE Approved Chest Protection - Required

NFHS Memorandum

To: NFHS Member State Associations’ Baseball Liaisons


From: B. Elliot Hopkins, MLD, CAA, Director of Sports, Sanctioning and Student Services       


Subject: New NOCSAE Chest Protector Pad is Identified


Date:   November 25, 2019    ________________________________________________________________________


We recently identified that a NOCSAE certified chest pad that protects the heart and the cardiac silhouette is being offered by chest protector manufacturers to fit on top of an existing non-NOCSAE approved chest protector making the chest protector compliant with our rules. This pad meets the criteria of our NFHS Baseball Rule 1-5-3. Coaches are responsible for knowing if their catcher’s chest/body protector equipment meets the rule and should affirm that fact with the umpire-in-chief prior to the start of the ball game.



This new pad adds another alternative to the new chest/body protector rule. You now have three options: 1) a new traditional chest protector that protects the heart/cardiac silhouette and meets the NOCSAE performance standard; 2) a body protector (compression shirt with heart guard built into the shirt) that that protects the heart/cardiac silhouette and meets the NOCSAE performance standard under the traditional chest protector; 3) a chest pad that that protects the heart/cardiac silhouette and meets the NOCSAE performance standard that fits on top of the traditional chest protector. As we receive more information as to what these pads look like, we will share their images with you.




NOTE: Chest pads that meet the NOCSAE performance standard are not proprietary to a specific chest protector manufacturer. (ex. A Brodell brand chest pad can be worn on a Dolan brand chest protector. It is not specific to only a Brodell brand chest protector.)