General 2011-12 Updates



Baseball News

Sunday, April 1, 2012

General 2011-12 Updates

Video/Exam Center - All coaches and all WIAA licensed officials will now be able to take their required rules exams online and also view all required rules meetings online. In addition, the Video/Exam Center will notify the athletic director if and when the coach completes both tasks. An email will be sent to each athletic director with the score of the rules exam and notice that the rules video has been viewed. An instruction document is available on the WIAA School Center for coaches to use as a reference. Each school has a unique validation code that the AD will need to share with his/her coaching staff. - will be the tool by which officials in all sports will be ranked by coaches this year. After a successful experience last year in soccer, basketball, and baseball this system will be utilized for all sports beginning this fall. Coaches will be required to wait 3 days after the contest/game/event to provide a ranking of the officials. Coaches will need to log in and view their schedule in order to provide a ranking. Officials are responsible for maintaining an accurate schedule of games within the system. Whenever schools issue contracts to officials, care should be taken to list all schools participating in any game/meet/event so that the officials can list the appropriate schools in their schedule.

Officials Contract Language - New language has been added to the Officials Contract. Please throw out any old copies you may have and use the new one as new language has been added to the first page. We have informed Arbiter, ScheduleStar, Rschool and RefRanking of the language change on the contract as well as the conference commissioners. The language that has been added is: This contract is issued with mutual understanding and agreement between the school and official that services rendered will be specific to officiating the identified competition in accordance with WIAA and NFHS rules. Under no circumstances should officials perform any task beyond the scope of their officiating duties as prescribed in the WIAA and NFHS rules such as assisting in the set-up of facilities.

Concussions - No athlete should return to play or practice on the same day of being diagnosed with a concussion or rendered unconscious. Any athlete suspected of having a concussion should be evaluated by an appropriate health-care professional that day. Any athlete with a concussion should be medically cleared by an appropriate health-care professional prior to resuming participation in any practice or competition. After medical clearance, return to play should follow a step-wise protocol with provisions for delayed return to play based upon the return of any signs or symptoms.

Steroids and Performance Enhancing Supplements - Every school has been provided with a DVD (Steroids and Performance Enhancing Supplements - 25 minutes), Performance-Enhancing and Banned Substances tri-folds, and yellow wallet cards to handout to athletes regarding the banned and discouraged substances. Schools are encouraged to use the DVDs at parent meetings prior to the start of the season to educate parents/athletes on the dangers of steroids and supplements. If you are not able to find your DVD, contact the WIAA for another copy. There must be a minimum of one calendar week (Sun.-Sat.) of no school and/or coach contact (i.e., the week immediately preceding) the first allowed practice in a fall sport (Beginning in 2012).

Assault on an Official - Any player who spits on, strikes, slaps, kicks, pushes or intentionally and aggressively physically contacts any official at any time shall be immediately ineligible for competition a minimum of 90 calendar days from the date of confrontation. In addition, the player is ineligible to compete for the first 25% of the next season in that same sport (page 39 of the WIAA Handbook - Article VII, Section 3, B).

Laws Prohibit Hazing and Harassment - A "forced" activity means any activity that is a condition of initiation into an organization, regardless of a student's willingness to participate in the activity.

Emergency Procedures - What you need to do:

  • Medical Policies
  • Emergency First-Aid Checklist
  • Have a plan which tells the people WHAT TO DO

Please review the regulations that provide for safe and healthful facilities for competitors and spectators as outlined in state statutes 254.11 to 254.178 and be familiar with school emergency evacuation procedures.

Use of Cell Phones in Locker Rooms - WIAA Season Regulations and State Law (9175.22) prohibits use of cell phones (and other image-recording devices) in locker rooms except in emergency situations.


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