Boys & Girls Soccer

Boys Lacrosse


Lacrosse News

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Boys & Girls Soccer

  • Soccer goals must be anchored securely to the ground. New rules focused at ensuring that movable soccer goals are properly anchored, to reduce the possibility of injuries due to goals tipping over or being pull down, will go into effect in Wisconsin July 1, 2011. The rules reflect the Guidelines for Movable Soccer Goal Safety from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The rules apply to new and existing goals located at public places, such as public and private schools and parks, as well as those located at private recreational facilities and campgrounds. Enforcement will be via a complaint to Safety and Buildings Division staff, but owners of movable soccer goals are expected to voluntarily adhere to the rules once the information is disseminated. Here is a link to the code proposal documents, with a note on enforcement, and a link to the CPSC guidelines: For additional information, contact Jim Quast, Safety and Buildings Division Program Manager, [email protected], 608-266-9292. 
  • In all divisions, except Division 1, the half bracket in each sectional grouping will be seeded. However, if 60% of the schools in a given half bracket object, the bracket will be split into two regional groupings. Deadline to appeal bracket design is August 31, 2011. 
  • Beginning with the fall season in 2011, the official soccer ball for the state tournament will be the Select Royale ball. Schools hosting the sectional finals will be provided with Select soccer balls to use. 
  • Approved site deadline is Friday, September 30 for boys hosting opportunities. 
  • Beginning with the 2013 fall soccer season, the home team will be required to wear solid WHITE jerseys and socks and the visiting team shall wear dark jerseys and socks. The only area of the jersey in which you may have color is the number, school name, or manufacturer logo. No colored trim.

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