Competitive Balance | Schools | Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association

Competitive Balance




September 1 - Fall Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form opens

October 1 - Fall Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form closes

November 1 - Fall Tournament Classification Appeal Form opens

December 1 - Fall Tournament Classification Appeal Form closes


January 1 - Winter Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form opens

February 1 - Winter Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form closes

March 1 - Winter Tournament Classification Appeal Form opens

April 1 - Winter Tournament Classification Appeal Form closes


April 1 - Spring Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form opens

May 1 - Spring Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form closes

June 1 - Spring Tournament Classification Appeal Form opens

July 1 - Spring Tournament Classification Appeal Form closes



Form Questions : 

Q. When is the Tournament Classification Request to Move Up or Down a Division Form Used? 

A. You would use the change request form when your team(s) have not been competitive in the WIAA tournament series for a significant period of time. This request, if approved, would place your team in a division lower than your enrollment. This form would need to be completed annually if you wish to keep playing down a division.


Q. When is the Tournament Classification Appeal Form Used?
A. You would use the appeal form when your team(s) have indeed met the 6 point tournament performance factor threshold, but you would like to compete at the division where your enrollment places you instead of playing at the promoted division. This form would need to be completed each time you wish to appeal the 6 point promotion.  




Doug Parker, Co-Chair : / (262) 394-4501
Tim Flood, Co-Chair : / (920) 448-2066
WIAA Office : (715) 344-8580

Classification Committee

A classification committee, comprised of members serving three-year terms, will hear appeals made by schools and will consider the following factors when placing programs in a higher or lower division upon a school's appeal: 

  • Prior year out-of-building student percentage on rosters or historical movement of student-athletes
  • Socioeconomics of the school's population 
  • Demographics of the school's population 
  • Competitive history and balance
  • Geography 
  • School's enrollment trend 
  • Student participation rate in WIAA-sponsored activities 
  • Admission policies of the school concerning student enrollment 

2024-25 Classification Committee Members 

• Andie Alexander, Athletic Director at Stoughton - Term expires: 2026-27
• Nathan Burkland, Superintendent at Hudson - Term expires: 2024-25
• Kurt Cohen, District Administrator at Potosi - Term expires: 2025-26
• Tim Flood, District Athletic Director at Green Bay (Co-Chair) - Term expires: 2024-25
• Tyree Gamble, Athletic Director at Clinton - Term expires: 2024-25
• Bryon Graun, Athletic Director at Colby - Term expires: 2025-26
• John Handel, Athletic Director at Elkhorn - Term expires: 2025-26
• Cory Hinkel, Superintendent at Luck - Term expires: 2025-26
• Ted Knutson, President at Aquinas - Term expires: 2024-25
• Michael Lambrecht, Principal at Columbus Catholic - Term expires: 2025-26
• Peggy Larson, Superintendent at Winneconne - Term expires: 2024-25
• Jason Lulloff, Athletic Director at Holmen - Term expires: 2026-27
• Aaron Moen, Athletic Director at Hudson - Term expires: 2026-27
• Ella Olson, Athletic Director at Superior - Term expires: 2026-27
• Doug Parker, District Administrator at Big Foot (Co-Chair) - Term expires: 2025-26
• Dan Quesnell, Principal at Divine Savior Holy Angels - Term expires: 2026-27
• Cordell Smith, Athletic Director at Franklin - Term expires: 2026-27

Competitive Balance

WIAA Performance Factor to Impact 2024-25 Tournament Series Placements 

STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association competitive balance initiative completed its first full year of applying the performance factor for division placements, which will begin with the 2024-25 sports seasons.

The Classification Committee assembled to discuss and review the performance factor process and criteria in July. The committee recommended no changes to the process or criteria, citing results of performance factor couldn’t be appropriately evaluated until competition results are recorded to fully determine its impact. 

An ad hoc committee consisting of 11 superintendents/district administrators, six athletic directors, one principal and one principal/athletic director proposed the performance factor process, which was approved by a 265-115 membership vote at the 2023 Annual Meeting for implementation in 2024-25. The initiative promotes school programs that reach a threshold of tournament success based on a performance point system allocated over a three-year period. 

School programs reaching the six-point performance factor threshold during the past three seasons are placed in the division containing the next largest set of enrollments from where the schools’ enrollments would place them for each respective sport other than track & field and swimming & diving–which do not have a team component to advance in the Tournament Series–and sports with only one division. Schools are restricted to moving up a maximum of one division from the previous year’s placement. 

This performance factor initiative affords schools the opportunity to request to move down a division with lower enrollments. The Classification Committee reviewed 46 such requests in 2023-24. Eighteen of those requests were approved. 

The number of sports programs that have accumulated at least six points to engage a promotion to a division with higher enrollments–if their 2024-25 tournament placement enrollment doesn’t initially move them up a division–was 136 this year. It is noteworthy that 45 of those programs that achieved the six-point threshold competed in Division 1 in 2023-24 and will be promoted only if their enrollment places them in a division with lower enrollments.

The performance factor process also affords schools the opportunity to appeal their promotion to the division with the next largest enrollments based on performance points. Of the 136 programs reaching the three-year, six-point threshold in all respective sports in 2023-24 resulting in a promotion, 46 appeals were submitted. The Classification Committee reviewed and evaluated these appeals with three approvals.

Additional information will be reported by members of the Classification Committee at the Area Meetings in September.  For more on the performance factor process, visit the Competitive Balance homepage on the WIAA website.

# WIAA #

WIAA Spring Performance Factor Results in Divisional Movement
WIAA Winter Performance Factor Results in Divisional Movement
WIAA Fall Performance Factor Results in Divisional Movement