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Calendar & Contact


Calendar & Contact Ad Hoc Committee

The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association has identified 23 individuals to serve on the ad hoc committee to study season length, game maximums and coaching contact.

Following the December 2023 meeting when the initiative was approved by the Board, the executive office received 189 letters from school and athletic administrators who expressed interest in serving on the committee. 

Emphasis for inclusion on the committee was given to having representation that reflects the composition of the membership, including members from each Board of Control district; small, medium and large schools; levels of school leadership comprised of athletic directors, principals and superintendents. In addition, gender and ethnicity representation is also included on the committee.

The first meeting of the ad hoc committee is scheduled for Thursday, April 18 at 9 a.m. at the WIAA executive office in Stevens Point. The objectives of the first meeting includes reviewing the directive of the Board of Control; orienting and aligning committee members to the purpose of the group; establishing familiarity with committee members; learning how others identify and perceive the issues pertaining to season length, coaching contact, and game maximums; identifying additional information and resources required to fully understand and address the issues; reviewing Area Meeting feedback; and agreeing on a timeline for the committee work. 

Calendar & Contact Committee Information