Below are the names, school affiliation and position of the initial ad hoc committee members, which were selected by the Board of Control.
Janel Batten – Pulaski Athletic Director, Co-Chair
Jake Beschta – Denmark Principal, Co-Chair
Paul Ackley - McFarland Athletic Director
Rachel Biertzer – Port Washington Principal
Andrew Caudill – Prescott Activities Director
Willy Chambers – Black Hawk District Administrator
Mark Denniston – Pittsville Athletic Director
Todd Felhofer – Shell Lake Superintendent
Patrick Galligan – Colby Superintendent
Matt Goodwin – Milwaukee Public Schools Recreation Manager
Joel Heesch – Mauston Superintendent
Todd Irvine – Muskego Principal
Mike Kaczmarek – Gillett Athletic Director
Taz Landry – Shorewood Athletic Director
Kolleen Nesheim – Mount Horeb Athletic Director
Ryan Olson – West Salem Athletic Director
Chad Steinmetz – Bloomer Principal
Jill Stobber – Waterford Activities Director & WIAA Board of Control
Brian Trettin – Ashland Principal
Andy Trudell – Mukwonago Athletic Director
Michael Vuolo - Franklin Principal
Kevin Wopat – Lourdes Academy Activities Director
Gregg Zonnefeld – Central Wisconsin Christian Athletic Director
Meeting Agenda
The committee met in-person for the first time. During meeting, the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee worked to review the directive of the Board of Control; orient and align members to the purpose of the group; establish familiarity with committee members; learn how others identify and perceive the issues pertaining to season length, coaching contact, and game maximums; identify information and resources required to fully understand and address the issues; review Area Meeting feedback; and to agree on a timeline for the committee work.
Addressing the three major, interrelated topics of season lengths, game maximums and coaching contact is the focus of the group. These topics directly impact all WIAA member schools, and the committee is committed to studying the topics comprehensively to formulate and propose viable solutions to best serve the membership and their respective communities.
The committee will meet virtually on April 30, 2024.
Meeting Agenda
During the virtual meeting, the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee continued its work to review the directive of the Board of Control; orient and align members to the purpose of the group; establish familiarity with committee members; learn how others identify and perceive the issues pertaining to season length, coaching contact, and game maximums; identify information and resources required to fully understand and address the issues; review Area Meeting feedback; and to agree on a timeline for the committee work.
Addressing the three major, interrelated topics of season lengths, game maximums and coaching contact is the focus of the group. These topics directly impact all WIAA member schools, and the committee is committed to studying the topics comprehensively to formulate and propose viable solutions to best serve the membership and their respective communities.
The committee will meet virtually on May 9, 2024.
Meeting Agenda
STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee developed a defined purpose and reviewed objectives at its meeting at the executive office Thursday.
The established purpose of the ad hoc committee is to represent the diverse voices of the membership in evaluating season lengths, game maximums, and coaching contact with the primary goal to promote a balanced, education-based athletic experience for student-athletes.
Members of the committee elected Janel Batten, athletics/activities director at Pulaski High School, and Jake Beschta, principal at Denmark High School as co-chairs.
The committee first met in-person on April 18 and then virtually on April 30. During the first three meetings, the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee worked to review the directive of the Board of Control; orient and align members to the purpose of the group; establish familiarity with committee members; learn how others identify and perceive the issues pertaining to season length, coaching contact, and game maximums; identify information and resources required to fully understand and address the issues; review Area Meeting feedback; and to agree on a timeline for the committee work.
Addressing the three major, interrelated topics of season lengths, game maximums and coaching contact is the focus of the group. These topics directly impact all WIAA member schools, and the committee is committed to studying the topics comprehensively to formulate and propose viable solutions to best serve the membership and their respective communities.
The committee will develop a communication plan for sharing information and receiving membership feedback throughout the entire process with additional resources of an outside person or group to interpret data, facilitate meetings and create a communication plan. The committee also committed to meet two or three times monthly, with at least one of the meetings being in-person.
The recommendations of the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee may result in implementation with action by the Board of Control or advancement to the Annual Meeting for a membership vote with amendments to the membership’s Constitution, Bylaws or Rules of Eligibility.
The next meeting of the committee via Zoom is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29.
STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee, which was approved by the Board of Control last December, conducted its sixth meeting Tuesday at the WIAA executive office.
After initial discussions, the ad hoc committee affirmed summer coaching contact days as the focal point of the upcoming survey and its first priority among the assigned topics to study. In addition, the committee split into small and large groups and spent much of the meeting discussing a draft of a survey that will be distributed to multiple, statewide stakeholder groups this fall. In addition, after reviewing a summary of survey data from the National Federation of State High School Associations, the committee reviewed a draft of the communications plan and approved revisions.
The established purpose of the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee is to represent the diverse voices of the membership in evaluating season lengths, game maximums, and coaching contact with the primary goal to promote a balanced, education-based athletic experience for student-athletes. The committee is committed to studying the topics comprehensively to formulate and propose viable solutions to best serve the membership and their respective communities.
The recommendations of the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee may result in implementation with action by the Board of Control or advancement to the Annual Meeting for a membership vote with amendments to the membership’s Constitution, Bylaws or Rules of Eligibility.
The committee’s next in-person meeting will take place at the WIAA office Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024.
Meeting Agenda
STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee conducted its seventh meeting Thursday at the WIAA executive office.
Following the introduction of Paul Ackley, Athletic Director at McFarland–who is new to the ad hoc committee after replacing a departing member–the group reviewed the most recent draft of the planned survey. The committed participated in thoughtful discussion of how to best engage multiple audiences and gather a representative sample of actionable data.
The committee and the executive staff also finalized the communication plan for the implementation of the summer coaching contact survey.
In addition, the committee continued its discussion regarding summer coaching contact based on the work done thus far in reviewing current policy language, national survey data and membership feedback.
In preparation for the upcoming fall Area Meetings, which are predominately attended by athletic directors, the committee created a list of topics for presentations to be led by ad hoc committee members at each of the district meetings.
The stated purpose of the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee is to represent the diverse voices of the membership in evaluating season lengths, game maximums, and coaching contact with the primary goal to promote a balanced, education-based athletic experience for student-athletes. The committee is committed to studying the topics comprehensively to formulate and propose viable solutions to best serve the membership and their respective communities.
The recommendations of the Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee may result in implementation with action by the Board of Control or advancement to the Annual Meeting for a membership vote with amendments to the membership’s Constitution, Bylaws or Rules of Eligibility.
The next meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, Sept. 10, and the next in-person meeting will be conducted at the WIAA office on Tuesday, Oct. 22.
The WIAA, as defined by its Constitution, is a voluntary, unincorporated, and nonprofit organization. The membership oversees interscholastic athletic programs for 514 senior high schools and 36 junior high/middle level schools in its membership.
STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The committee received a presentation of a draft Coaching Contact Days Survey report. The committee was grateful to receive 17,166 responses to the survey from student-athletes, parents, coaches, athletic directors, principals, and district administrators. Next they reviewed the initial data report in small groups to ask questions and provide feedback for the development of the final survey report.
The committee reconvened in a large group to review small group discussion and findings. The committee shared notes for some further survey data disaggregation and analysis.
In preparation for the upcoming Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association (WADA) annual conference Nov. 10-12, 2024, the committee provided suggestions for the co-chairs’ presentation on committee progress to date and ideas for receiving feedback from athletic directors.
In closing, the committee reviewed timelines for next steps and decision-making.
The next in-person meeting will take place at Camp Randall Stadium in Madison on Nov. 21, 2024.
The committee reviewed draft out-of-season contact days language. The committee members shared their individual perspectives, and then they divided into breakout groups to discuss and refine potential recommendations for consideration.
Each breakout group presented its proposal to the whole committee for review and questions.
The next in-person meeting will take place at the WIAA office on Dec. 10, 2024.
STEVENS POINT, Wis. The Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee held its 10th meeting on Dec. 10, 2024, at the WIAA Executive Office.
The committee revisited breakout group notes and discussions from the November meeting. The committee voted on a summer contact proposal to bring forward to the sports advisory committee, advisory council, and Board of Control for potential membership vote.
Thereafter, the committee engaged in a robust conversation regarding the parameters of the proposal to guide the WIAA staff efforts to develop specific proposal language and administer the next steps in the process.
The next committee meeting will take place virtually on Jan. 9, 2025.
STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The Calendar and Contact Ad Hoc Committee held its 11th meeting virtually on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025.
The committee reviewed the proposed summer coaching contact amendment language and the corresponding rules and bylaw revisions related to the amendment. In addition, the committee broke into small groups to discuss supporting explanation, justification and rationale for the change before sharing their respective discussions with the large group.
The meeting concluded following a brief discussion of next steps and communication strategies leading up to a membership vote. The next committee meeting will take place at the WIAA office on Feb. 19, 2025.
STEVENS POINT, Wis. – The committee reviewed a video summary created by the co-chairs in order to inform audiences of the proposed changes to summer coaching contact amendment language.
The committee discussed key points of understanding about proposed changes and effective ways to reach primary audiences with the information. The meeting concluded with small group discussion of next steps regarding the topics of game maximums and season lengths.
The next committee meeting will take place at the Resch Center in Green Bay on March 14, 2025.